This pass Friday, I heard a wonderful khutbah at Quba Masjid giving by Imam Anas Muhaimin,may Allah be pleased with him Inshallah, his clarity of the points that he was speaking on rang bells in my head, because it's so truthful about the way we act and how we treat each other as Muslims, we always saying who's muslim and who's not, instead of getting ourselves right with Allah, our duty shouldn't be deciding who's Muslim, our duty is to Allah, we tend to drive brothers and sisters away from the deen, instead of bringing them closer to the deen, we need to make sure we are in order before criticizing someone else because we differ in opinions about certain things involving Islam, we have one author of Islam, and it's Allah and his messenger is the Rasulullah. Salaam Alaikum Rahmatullahi Barakatu.