Khepri's A-Z: Key Information Document
What is a KID?
A Key Information Document (KID) refers to a standardised document required under the European Union's Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Regulation. The PRIIPs Regulation was introduced to improve the transparency and comparability of different investment products for retail investors.
What is a KID needed?
In the context of investment business, a KID is required when certain in-scope products (e.g. funds) are being distributed to Retail Investors.
What are Retail Investors?
Retail Investors are those persons who are neither Per Se Professional or Elective Professional Investors (“Professional Client”) as defined under The Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 where a professional client’ means a professional client as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of the markets in financial instruments regulation (MIFID).
What’s in a KID?
What is changing in the UK?
On 11 July 2023, HM Treasury published a consultation response (link) setting out its intention to repeal the packaged retail investment and insurance products regime (PRIIPS) and establish an alternative framework for a new UK retail disclosure regime which will include UCITS funds and ensure that retail investors have access to the right information on which to base their investment decisions.
What is the timeline for the changes?
The government will publish a draft Statutory Instrument by 2024 to enable the FCA to deliver the new retail disclosure regime, following the repeal of the PRIIPs Regulation (and related secondary legislation).
The FCA will also publish a consultation paper seeking industry feedback on their draft rules for the new retail disclosure regime, building on the principles discussed in this consultation and their December 2022 Discussion Paper.
Will there be a transition period?
To provide certainty to industry and support them as they adapt to the UK's new tailored retail disclosure regime, there will be a period of transition prior to the new FCA retail disclosure rules coming into force.
The government and FCA will ensure that there is no gap between the old regime being removed and the new regime being put in place, to ensure certainty and minimal costs for firms.
Further detail about this transitional period, and the intended change in disclosure requirements for UCITS vehicles, will be communicated in due course.