Key Facts in True Belief in the Creator
James Robertson ETI
The Almighty Creator seeks a DEEP personal relationship with YOU -- I can help you
Following are key facts that are vital for any person who is truly seeking a DEEP Relationship with the Almighty Creator whose True Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”. Details are available on the website at
If you are not walking in the following truths there is no way that you will draw really close to the Creator.
Creators True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing
Hebrew phrase is Yahweh, occurs over 7,000 times in the Old Testament, incorrectly translated “The LORD” in most cases. If you are not using the True Name “Yah” you have to ask yourself how you expect to have a relationship with someone when you do not know their name.
The LORD = Baal = a Demonic and Satanic Entity – incorrect translation of Yahweh
If you use the name “The LORD” to refer to the Creator you have to ask yourself how you expect to have a relationship with someone who you refer to by the name of one of His WORST ENEMIES.
God = a Demonic and Satanic Entity – incorrect translation of Elohim
The word primarily translated as “God” is the Hebrew “Elohim” which means variously “Mighty One”, “mighty one” or “Almighty” depending on context. Most frequently refers to the Almighty. God is a Demonic name – again if you refer to Him as God ask yourself how you expect to have a relationship with Him when you refer to Him by the name of one of His WORST ENEMIES.
Note also that the Arabic of Elohim is “Alaah” – in other words, the Muslim term “Allah” means “Almighty” so Muslims ARE worshipping the Creator and ARE more accurate than Christians in their language.
Note further that “Islam” means “The Religion of Worshipping the Almighty” and a “Muslim” is “One who worships the Almighty” – so, again, Muslims are more accurate than Christians
Jesus = Blessed of Zeus – a Demonic and Satanic Entity – incorrect translation of Yahooshua
The man commonly referred to as “Jesus” was a Hebrew, NOT a Greek, his name therefore CANNOT have been “Ieosus” (Greek form of Jesus), it was “Yahooshua” – meaning “Yah is Salvation” – commonly translated “Joshua” in the Old Testament – a common Hebrew name. “Ieosus” (Jesus) means “Blessed of Zeus”. “Zeus” is another major Demonic god. Again, if you refer to him as “Jesus” ask yourself how you can have a meaningful relationship with him let alone how you can claim authority in that name!
Christ is a meaningless translation of Meshach meaning “Anointed with the Spirit of Yah”
The word “Christ” is used in place of the Hebrew word “Meshach” which means variously “One Anointed with the Spirit of Yah”, “Anointed with the Spirit of Yah”, etc. Yahooshua is at times referred to as “The Anointed one” referring to the Spirit of Yah upon the man as in “Jesus Christ”. Christ is therefore a meaningless word. ALL believers who are in fact filled with the Spirit of Yah ARE “Anointed Ones”, that is “Christs”. Using Christ as an alternative name for Jesus is completely incorrect. So, referring to yourself as a “Christian” is entirely FALSE unless you are manifestly filled with the Spirit of Yah.
Jesus is NOT God – specifically Yahooshua is NOT Yah
“Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah” is clearly NOT Yah. He specifically instructed us to “Love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with ALL your soul and with ALL your strength” – how then can Yahooshua be Yah? His very name tells us that “Yah is salvation” and distinguishes between Yah and Yahooshua. Worshipping Yahooshua breaks the First Commandment which tells us to Worship Yah ALONE. If you worship Jesus you need to understand that you are a long way from relationship with Yah.
“Bible” means “Book” from “Biblios” in Greek and is NOT “The Word of God”
Nowhere does the Bible claim to be “The Word of Yah”. It is manifestly made up of fragments of manuscripts that do NOT all align and most of which are simple historical factual records of events involving Anointed ones. It breaks the Second Commandment re “No Idols” to claim the Bible is the Word of God / Word of Yah. Further, it is utter foolishness to believe that the sum total of Yah’s words to Mankind are limited to the Bible. The Bible is a useful historical text, nothing more.
Stauros = Stake NOT Cross
The Greek word translated “Cross” is a “Stake” – a length of tree trunk. The Cross is a Pagan, that is Satanic and Demonic pornographic symbol. Again, you might ask yourself how you have a close relationship with the Creator if you carry around with you a Demonic symbol.
Satan is in the Pit (Abyss) till 3 May 3003, 983 years from now – Yahooshua is NOT coming soon
Satan was sentenced in the Court of Heaven on 3 May 2003 to 1,000 years in the Abyss. So, it is foolish to claim that “Jesus is coming soon”.
Yahooshua is WAITING for Yah’s Enemies to be made his footstool
If you have some or all of the above errors in your conduct then you need to understand that you are on the side of Satan and the Demonic Masterminds and are of little use and little value to the Almighty Creator because you are fundamentally serving Satan.
So, the BOTTOM LINE, is that IF you think you are a believer but you are using the above incorrect language, you may NOT be destined for Heaven and in Yah’s sight you may be an unbeliever!
I hope the above has challenged you to review your core beliefs and change direction to seek a DEEP PERSONAL relationship with the Almighty Creator – see for guidance how to do this.
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
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