Everyone remembers the Keystone XL pipeline. It was the most contentious issue in Canada-U.S. relations in almost a decade. The multi-billion dollar project was vilified as an environmental and moral atrocity for its goal of transporting some 830,000 barrels per day of oil sands oil from Alberta to the American Midwest by everyone from Desmond Tutu to Robert Redford. But since President Obama vetoed a Republican bill that would have allowed the pipeline to proceed three months ago, the whole issue has disappeared off the radar screen faster than you could say Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

But how about that other epic battle, the one against Enbridge’s recently completed Flanagan South pipeline from Pontiac, Ill., to Cushing, Okla.? With an eventual capacity of 880,000 bpd, it is 50,000 bpd larger than Keystone. Oh right. There wasn’t one. My bad.

Okay, but the anti-Seaway Twin campaign, now that was a fight. Enbridge bought a small gas pipeline that ran north, reversed it and added an upgrade. As of this year it ships 400,000 bpd of oil south from Cushing to Freeport, Texas — former Alberta Premier Jim Prentice called it, “the first large-volume, direct link of Canadian crude to the U.S. Gulf Coast, where North America’s largest concentration of heavy oil refineries is located.” Notice the “heavy oil” reference.

Actually, you’re right, no one said boo about that either.

So it seems that while the Keystone XL may be dead, or at least hibernating indefinitely, its elders, cousins and offspring are very much alive and growing at a galloping rate.


But they and many other projects like them planned or under way are built for the same purpose that made Keystone XL the Darth Vader of pipelines. The St. Louis Beacon called Flanagan “the newest artery in a major reworking of the continent’s oil system” with the object of taking more and more Canadian crude south to the oil sands mecca of the mammoth U.S. Gulf Coast refineries, a.k.a., Refinery Row, for transshipment to world markets.

Capacity enhancements far greater than XL are going on with none of the same scrutiny or alarm bells. Irony of ironies, as President Obama was picking up his fountain pen to sign the Keystone veto, Canadian companies were setting all-time records for total exports to the U.S without it — 3.11 million bpd in January, 80 per cent higher than five years ago. Total deliveries to the U.S. Midwest rose to two million bpd from 1.1 million bpd five years ago. And deliveries to Gulf Coasts refineries rose to 365,000 bpd, an 83 per cent jump in the last four years.

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) predicts Washington state and California as prime future customers, which will likely mean more pipelines. And yet it is Europe, with its higher international prices, that appears to be a more immediate target for growth. Tankers carried 2.16 million barrels of oil across the Atlantic last year, including one precedent-setting shipment by Suncor out of Sorel, Que. This year, according to ClipperData, a publication that tracks tanker traffic, two shipments totalling 1.1-million barrels have been made from Texas to Western Europe.

That’s not all. Rail shipments are also on the rise. CAPP’s production forecast notes that since “the timing and order for the various projects continues to have some uncertainty … crude oil producers are increasingly using rail as an alternative means of transportation.” It estimates that by the end of next year about 700,000 bpd could be transported by rail.

This is all still a trickle, but as all transport options are being actively and ingeniously explored and enhanced, that trickle may one day make the old XL look like a garden hose. CAPP predicts that oil sands production will more than double from 2.3 million bpd to 4.8 million bpd in 2030.

And yet pipelines are widely seen as the safest way to move oil. Or least hazardous depending on your point of view. Keystone’s demise means a bursting pipeline system, tankers at sea and the prospect of more train traffic with post-Megantic tanker upgrades still pending. The question arises, are we and the global environment really better off without it? Exports are booming anyway without the headache and expense of stringent environmental hearings, negotiating with the White House, bad press and litigation.

The oil industry has played by the rules and met current regulatory standards. Their land acquisitions for new pipelines have not run into the popular revolt, especially amongst farmers, that Keystone XL did. But it does feel a bit like Keystone by stealth.

A Reuters reporter remarks that “the market has moved on” from Keystone. So has the scope of the debate if not the attention of the debaters. The XL battle had an urgency and a moral conviction to it as if it were fighting the good fight.

Perhaps it’s a sign of the times. Fans of the newish web service Snapchat know they can post pretty much anything they want knowing it inevitably disappears. Perhaps Keystone was the first protest of the Snapchat era. The anger and moral indignation was loudly posted, but just like that embarrassing selfie you put up back then, it is long gone from view.

National Post


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