You must have addressed a large group of people one time or the other in your life. How was the first experience? Did you, like myself, have stage fright? Was there this little voice in your head always whispering things like, “what if you fail? What if you embarrass yourself? Your family and friends are watching.”.

This fear and anxiety coming from the insecurity devil is what holds us back. If everyone got rid of this insecurity, people will have no fear in taking risks even in their early life. This all comes down to confidence and not judging yourself against your ambition. 

One of the things one has learnt about life and it also relates to business is that it all shows through action. How do I mean? The truth is that my actions eventually gets those that are closest to see it to get on board or be inspired to do. 

Most people are scared to take risks because they are not used to how the world works. For a student, the Teacher compliments him after work is done. But the outside world is not quite like that. There is no Teacher to pat you on the back. It is a scary jungle. People are scary. They don’t particularly care. They tell you the bitter truth. In general, trying new things in life is a must to explore all avenues and have a sense of what is out there

Most of the time, people are also scared to fail because they think it’s a bad thing. Maybe they are wrong. It Is actually a great thing. It all comes down to confidence, being able to own up to these failures and grow from there. 

Someone could be wondering. How can a person discover the kind of thing that works for them and how can they keep it going for a long time without getting distracted? In this context I am speaking of career, business, studies, whatever.

There are just three things to say.

Firstly, you have to be completely honest with yourself. 

Secondly,You have to be able to push yourself emotionally to know how your mind is tricking you.

And lastly, Stop trying to impress everyone while you are not impressed with yourself. 

If you are able to embrace these things you’ll see yourself finding your rhythm.

Here’s another thing. More often than not you see people that actually find their rhythm. They are confident but halfway through, they stop or they get comfortable at that spot. They start to lose the sense of what got them to that point, of how they got their rhythm. That is being middle class! There is no need for this security. It is not an entrepreneurial mindset.

You just have to hold on to these three things and you begin to see that, you probably have been on the right track all along. Did I also tell you that you need to keep at it and improve on it? That is called perseverance. 

You may like to read my earlier blogs on CholeraTyphoid FeverClimate ChangeMalariaGenital HerpesHead LiceScabiesTelemedicineSuccess Mindset, ConjuctivitisEbola Virus Disease, Hepatitis B, Measles, and Ear Infection.

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