Keys for Personal Transformation

Seven Keys for Your Personal Transformation and Fulfilment

It is a great day because you woke up and you are alive. Many desired to see it but did not see today.There was no sufficient grace for them to pull through. ?The greatest gift ever given to humanity is life. Life is sacrosanct, it is sacred and precious. This is why l celebrate you today because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. So, I call you to raise the trumpet of celebration. Celebrate the goodness of the lord every day.

I choose to be grateful for my life too as l celebrate a triple graduation in my family over the weekend. God is indeed the lifter of humanity. I shall forever look up to Him in gratitude and reverence because only He can do what he can do.

That brings me to the winner that you are. I truly believe that within each one of us is amazing potential. Our potential is unlimited because our source is God who is neither limited nor measurable. You are welcome to view yourself as unlimited because that is who you are. Begin to see yourself as a powerhouse of knowledge and greatness. As you wake up today l urge you to see yourself through unlimited potential. I also urge you to believe in your God given potential and turn its turbines well so that it does not die unborn. I have put together some wisdom snippets which will propel you to the next level of your calling.

Allow me to share some seven keys which will enable your world to be changed forever. The essence of keys is to open closed doors. The doors to your potential will be opened widely as you enter into your next level.

Self-Introspection will create responsible leadership.

?Learn to be self-introspective. Our usual danger in life is thinking highly of ourselves. We do not check what is truly happening in our lives and how much we have contributed to it. Nothing just happens in life someone causes it. Usually you are the architect of your own demise or acceleration. Introspection is a part of greatness. Ask yourself difficult questions. Why am l failing and others are succeeding? What am l doing wrong in my life and organization? I am l becoming better or bitter? Should I continue on this trajectory or should I make an about turn. There is a serious need for self-introspection. A man is only great as the questions he asks. So what questions are you asking yourself?

Be bold and decisive

Learn to be decisive and bold. Stop delaying the inevitable and do the needful. At times you know what is limiting your potential but you keep nursing and nurturing it. Some potential has been limited by the people we associate with. Yet our other potential has been killed by how we have interacted with the people in our vicinity .We need to be ruthless as to who we associate with. If you’re in a network where you are being drained and never receiving any value be ruthless and terminate it. Who surrounds you matters. You are a reflection of your inner circle, take out the dead wood and add life to your posterity. It takes guts to be able to deal with the enemy face to face. But what you need to understand is that at times you are the enemy of your own progress.

Love to take risks

Take off too much caution and be a risk taker. Fortune favour the bold and without risk taking there is no next level. You must explore new options and make them count. You are not a fixed statue that cannot act. Why are you so afraid, use your intuition to act boldly now.

Remember delay has the potential to derail your destiny. The time to go back to school is now, the time to resign is now, and the time to change employment is now. Step up and do the right thing. History hates timidity. You were to fire, stop misfiring.

Failure is where success begins

The reason people succeed is because they have failed a lot before they succeed, it is true for Albert Einstein, Michael Jordan, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Charles Dickens and many others. Failure is the greatest motivation to succeed. The pain of failure should press your gears of transformation. Without pain we are not going to press on for a better world. Failure is the best university of life. The place of adversity is the place of uplifting. Look beyond your failures. Those who have a zero failure rate started at a hundred percent level of failure. They do not allow the fear of failure to harass and inhibit you.

Have Faith in a Great God

Have faith in a great God. The reason you need Jehovah God in your life is because He is bigger than you and can do what you can’t do. So learn to surrender to Him and trust the process. Trust Him when you’re in his arms, He has plans to build you and to take you higher in life. Sometimes the journey is painful but He who started it will bring it to completion. Keep on believing even when the chips are down. God is much more dependable than the figment of your imagination. This is why you must trust in God at all times.

Relationships are the master key.

Chances are that you are working at a company where someone referred you to on the basis of their relationship with you. You may also be enjoying business transactions through networks. Some of you are in a marriage relationship with spouses who are out of your league, but you are in a marriage anyway. That is the power of relationships.

Honour relationships and know how to classify them. Not all relationships are the same that is why we ought to classify them differently. Without drawing the right lines of demarcation in relationships we will miss out on the full meaning of growth and development.

Learn to be intentional

Remember no one will blow a trumpet for you to grow. You have to be intentional about your growth and personal development. The more you grow the more people are willing to pay you for being you. All complains about you in doing business with others are indications you are not full value for money. People have no problem paying anything as long as they receive or perceive value.

May you become all that God has designed for you? Pursue greatness and be great. Walk with fools and become a fool. Run with champions and become a champion. The choice is yours.

Next level is the only level. Jesus remains the ultimate leader. May He lead you all the way?

Ted Msipa PhD


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