The Keys to Happiness At Work
While it is a company’s responsibility to make their employees happy by including benefits and company events with free food, the responsibility for true happiness comes from the employee. Here are 7 ways you can ensure your happiness at work.
Find a Career You Enjoy
To find a job you enjoy, the first thing to do is assess your skills and what jobs correspond with it. Then see if you feel a calling towards one career particularly. Of course jobs you feel passion and fulfillment towards will feel tedious or frustrating at times, but no employee is happy 24/7. So don’t feel discouraged!
Take Charge of Your Personal and Professional Development
Developing plans and goals for yourself will help with motivation and cure boredom. Not only will investing in your career enrich your mind, but it will also make you feel in control and satisfied in your position.
Only Make Commitments You Can Keep
Failing to keep commitments will not only give you a bad reputation, it will also cause stress and unhappiness in the workplace. To avoid this, create an organized system to keep track of your commitments to ensure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Avoid Negativity
Choosing to be happy at work means avoiding negative conversations, gossip, and unhealthy work relationships as much as possible. If it almost feels unavoidable you may be in a toxic work environment. (Check out our 5 Ways to Spot a Toxic Work Environment Article) If this is not the case though, you may want to consider speaking to management about creating a company culture that values positivity and cooperation, rather than competitiveness, to create a happier work environment for all employees.
Make Friends
We spend a lot of time at our jobs. Enjoying the coworkers that you spend time with there is one of the hallmarks of a positive work experience. Even if those friendships don’t carry into your outside life, they can significantly increase your daily happiness at work.
Find a Job That Gives You Time Outside of Work
When we are finished for the day, we shouldn’t continue working on our unpaid precious time. If a job is giving you too much to do, to the point of trickling into your personal time, speak to management. It is important you find a job that respects your time as much as you do theirs.
If All Else Fails, Find a New Job
Having a job that doesn’t make you happy can put you under a lot of stress which could lead to health problems or other issues that could majorly affect your life. If creating any happiness at work feels impossible, you may be stuck in a toxic work culture or a job that simply cannot be a good fit for you.