Keys to Effective Production of Coffee. FIRST THINGS FIRST.
Olum Emmanuel
I am a senior quality executive with versatility stretching forth into quality control in the production of coffee, to ensure export grades. I have 9 years experience; from Barista, to merchandising, to Quality Control.
When the coffee tree comes into season. The farmer looks forward to harvesting and probably earning his labor's worth. The farmer's eyes longingly await that day when the buyers will come and engage him on the price of his coffee. The farmer's satisfaction is enshrouded in the sale of his coffee. But what do we look for when buying coffee for Production.
1.The moisture:
content of coffee refers to how much water there is in the coffee. Or better still, how much wet or dry the coffee is. The safe bet is always the dryness of the coffee, well dried coffee is much easier to handle, through production; there is less or no need to dry it through the dryer, and hence less time in the production line. Dry coffee fetches a fairer price as compared to wet coffee. On average, moisture content of 11%- 12.5% is recommended for effective production of coffee. The International Standards Organization stipulates under ISO?1446:2001, the recommended moisture content that is agreeable in green coffee. Moisture content helps to preserve the shelf life of coffee. A moisture content of below 12.5% is favorable too for long shipment and long docking at the ports where some ports are located at coast with very high temperatures.
2. The Smell
Coffee must be analyzed through the nose, for any off smells or adulterated fumes. Coffee must have a clear or fresh smell.
3. The Qualitative or Quantitative reports
These specifically look at the cup profile of the coffee, this report bases its strength or set parameters like fragrance, Aroma, Flavor, Acidity, Aftertaste, Body, Balance, Sweetness, Uniformity, Cleanness and Overall score of the coffee. A certain percentile score is awarded per parameter. And with each percentile score, a distinctive descriptor is used to mark the coffee, and these are: