Keynote Speech: A Heartfelt Tribute to Our Remarkable Teachers
H.E. Dr. Edna Joyce (Fatima) Santos, MD,DPBO,SBO
CEO, LightWorkers Advisory & Management FZ LLC, Sec-Gen, Royal Movement Intl. Grp., VP WEFAA, Global Relations Director, GCD NEW Fund, Global Consultant, VisionAfric
delivered by Dr. Edna Joyce Santos, MD, DPBO, SBO during the Oath-Taking Ceremony of newly registered professional teachers December 14, 2018
Good afternoon Philippine Labor attache' Alejandro Padaen, Vice-Consul Bong Ryan Pangwi, Senior Executive Consultant for Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, Dr. Wafa Al Qassimi, and Mrs. Miriam Paglinawan Sergio, Founder and Chairman of FITS, Filipino International Teachers, Society.
While I was listening to the Philippine National Anthem I felt really nostalgic and touched. I did not know how much I missed our country until I heard it. I felt that soon I will be coming home.
My dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen,
First of all, please allow me to congratulate all our new teachers who passed the Board examination given by the Professional Regulation Commission in the United Arab Emirates. They are creme' de la creme' of the Carl Balita Review Center.
I almost did not make it today as your keynote speaker for I was involved in a car accident a couple of days ago after I came from Khorfakkan. My life literally flashed before my eyes and, at that split second after the impact, I was remarkably not scared at all, and I thanked Allah for giving me a new lease in life.
Having faced a near to death experience, your priorities change, and suddenly you were not concerned about worldly matters like earning more money anymore but you become more aware of your spirituality and your relationship with God.
When my dear friend, Miriam, invited me to be your keynote speaker, I was deeply humbled and overwhelmed to address our new teachers who will one day be nurturing future leaders and entrepreneurs who will realize the hopes of the nation for progress, dignity and prosperity. She told me that my topic is that of CAREER. So many speeches have been delivered regarding career motivation, career direction, career choice, career change and so much more.
You do not know where you will be and what you will be 5, 10 or 15 years from now. Tomorrow you will be a far more different person than you are today. You are in a most exciting adventure and it is called LIFE. And you are all mighty fine captains.
I want you to come and board my ship. It is my dearest wish that part of my story will inspire you, speak to you in some way or resonate with you. The world is an apple and the world is your stage, too.
When I was 5 or 6 years old, I wanted to become Wonder Woman, dodging bullets with my bracelets and fighting for the underdog. Even at that time I was ready to fight for the underprivileged and be the heroine for my family and friends. Little did I know that it would be the path that I was meant to take.
My parents were my first teachers. They encouraged me to pursue my dreams and not to put a ceiling to my goals, which was the same advice I gave to my daughter, Pauline. She has accomplished so much at a very young age and she is now the youngest professor in the University of the Philippines and is in her last year in the College of Law.
After my graduation from high school, I wanted to become a lawyer just like my father. However my parents chose my career for me, and forced me to take up Medicine. During the interview, the panelists asked me, "Why do you want to take up Medicine?" I told them, "I do not want to take up Medicine, my parents wanted me to take up Medicine." Apparently I impressed the panelists with my candid response and accepted me in the College of Medicine. It was written for me and it was going to be my destiny.
I loved challenges and my teachers had been there for me to encourage me to be the best that I can be. I respect all teachers for without them we will not have doctors, engineers, nurses, lawyers, etc. They are major influencers who will mold our children and students alike to be future leaders of our nation. Hence, your task as a teacher is not easy.
As the leader of his nation, Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan said, "Without morals, without good conduct, and without education, nations cannot build their generations or fulfill their duties to them. The progress of a nation is in education, morality and nobility, and remembrance of the past while embracing the present and the future."
Let me ask you some questions that will help you guide your students to find what they want to do and spend their energy on after college.
* What do you enjoy being good at?
* What do you naturally like doing? Actually, what you enjoy being good at is what you should build your career on.
* What are your strengths?
* How can you make a difference? Play with your strengths and make these part of your brand.
A couple of years ago, I discovered my passion as a writer. I am living proof that you are never too old to follow your dreams. Remember that you are never too stuck to get unstuck" and that "Everyday is the perfect day to begin again."
I always remind myself that "THERE IS NOTHING TO DEFINE ME, EXCEPT ME." This has helped me manifest the things I wanted so I could be what I was meant to be. It does not matter what your title is or what your job is, what matters most is to have a better understanding of who you are as a person.
Let me read to you an excerpt from my soon to be released book, DEARLY BELOVED.
We are writing to you from the Universe to let you know that you are incredibly loved.
We have been with you since your inception and we have surrounded you with the brilliance of our unconditional love.
You are a magnificent human being whom we have enveloped with an aura of pure energy and genuine love which when harnessed would give you a powerful connection with the Divine.
We have never left you but you have let your doubts and fears cloud the inner recesses of your mind and heart, letting them take over your whole being.
You have unconsciously severed your connection with us with your increasing isolation and despair. You have let your negative thoughts take over your most powerful tool...your subconscious mind. You have completely forgotten how it is to live and be ONE with the Universe.
Do you remember what it was like to be a pristine child...wondering with wide-eyed innocence as you played in gardens of delight, the silence broken only by angelic laughter. You were curious is every turn, highly inquisitive at the vastness of the Universe. You stared in awe at the beautiful butterflies and flocks of birds that flew high above...gazed at the moon and stars as they illuminated the dark sky.
You are a Child of the Universe, sincerely beloved and immensely treasured. Do not despair for we have always been here for you.
You are not alone in your despondent search for inner peace that has somehow eluded you in your quest for the truth. We have heard your pleas and your zealous desire to belong and be relieved of the burden that have weighed you down all through the years.
We know that it has been sometime since you have seen the sun shining so brightly in your life. You feel the walls closing in around you wherever you turn. You are drowning in a sea of misfortune that made you believe in your heart that bad luck follow you wherever you go.
Yet have you ever lifted your face up and seen the clouds clearing up in the sky? Have you ever seen the sun's rays peeping out from the dark clouds?
Have you ever, for one moment, stilled the voices inside your head and listened intently to the whispers of your heart?
Just reflect for a while and wipe the tears from your eyes. Always remember that you are loved and not alone. Clear the cobwebs from your mind as we guide you in your search for happiness and serenity.
Your quest for brilliance and lightness of spirit will soon come to an end for we will help you reconnect and reconcile with the Universe. You are about to embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and success mastery.
We will help you transcend all emotions that caused you pain and misery. You will soon forget your constant struggles to meet your daily needs.
You will find tons of opportunities opening to you which were locked before despite your incessant knocking.
You will be awed by the outpouring of blessings that would come your way.
From now on, stop blaming yourself for your inadequacies and shortcomings. You are a beautiful creation of God and deserve all the accolade and miracles that we will pour on you. You will finally recognize the unique and creative person that you truly are.
And now, as you reflect on the words we have imparted to you, we will await your transformation as we travel with you on your journey of illumination to be ONE, at last, with the Universe.
Let your inner glow shine brightly as you realize your passion and manifest your dreams. Prepare your heart and mind to receive the countless blessings we are about to pour on you.
Listen and be blessed.
The Universe
Just keep this at the back of your mind, when people are questioning you or judging you or trying to deter you from following your dreams, It is most often coming from a place of love, and their resistance to your leap of faith is often because they have been afraid to take their own.
Once again, let me congratulate our new teachers. I wish you, and everyone here present as well, the best of luck as captains in your journey.
Thank you and God bless everyone.