Keyless security system




Today, most of our lives are spent in the information world, our identity has become digital, has become

an array of data that describes us, identifies us. Our information security has become identical to our

own security, becoming heavily dependent on security systems. Keys and passwords remain the weakest

link in data protection systems, and it is this vulnerability that is most frequently exploited. Is it possible,

even theoretically, to have cryptography without keys, authentication without passwords, a world without

phishing, a security system - in which the "human factor" will finally be leveled?


Equal-probability (keyless) encryption algorithms, passwordless authentication, multifactor alternative

digital signature, leveling the "human factor", protection against phishing attacks, completely closed

communication channels


This is the idea of symmetric cryptography, where everything is reversed. Is it possible to

encrypt and not agree on rules in advance? Is there room for uncertainty where accuracy is

needed? Never has the consequence come before the cause. There has never been a tomorrow.

Our world today is communication without borders or limitations. Our future is all about new

communications, exchanging data with many robotic systems, with smart homes, smart

assistants, and cars. The digital world is evolving faster than we have time to get used to it. New

communication systems need new security technologies. The trend of weakening information

security through compromising the "human factor" is steadily growing. The quality and danger

of attacks on key and password infrastructure, the compromise of which is unacceptable in the

digital ecosystem, is increasing. We are used to the fact that keys and passwords are mandatory

attributes of any security system. Changing the key-lock pair makes no sense as long as

everything is working fine, but over time, the likelihood of compromising the key steadily

increases. If you change the key at least sometimes, the probability of compromising the key

decreases in direct proportion to the frequency of such change. If you change the key very often,

the possibility of discredit will approach zero, the key complexity factor will stop dominating

and the need to guard the key will decrease in direct proportion to the key lifespan. And if we

change the key even more often... If you change the key as often as possible, the key complexity

factor can be neglected and the danger and value of its compromise - will tend to zero.

In such circumstances - the value of the key will also tend to zero. Then it is not clear what will

be the criterion of the "master", the protection factor? For example, if instead of a pair of keylocks, which unlock the door, make a secret only the direction of opening the "door", and add

the condition that only one attempt is allowed, then the probability of breaking such a door -

will be 50%. If we install 256 such doors and each door has its own rule of opening, allowing

only one attempt, then such a security system would be equal in security to a 256-bit key but

without the possibility of breaking in. But is it practical to put 256 doors instead of one key and

door? What is the point of creating such a logical tunnel of rules if knowing 256 rules of

opening is the same key! Let's not jump to conclusions, but if we allow only one attempt to open

them, the number of such doors can be considerably reduced without loss of reliability, say, to

16. And if we add a time limit for each rule, the number of "doors" can be safely reduced to 8,

that is 256 different rules. Note, if such a keyless system, uses a large number of rules (for

example, a group of 1000 rules) to open 8 doors (we have 256 different rules), and all (1000)

rules quickly replace each other in strict order, and also, provided that any one rule is relevant

only in 1 very short period of time, but they all together (all 1000 rules) guard one secret (one

open message: Om), then compromising any one rule of 1000 - will not lead to compromising

the whole secret (Om). Nothing special, except that in this concept, the number of doors can still

be reduced, for example, to "obscene" number: to 4 (that is 16 different rules), provided that the

total number of rules necessary to protect one secret (Om) is still large, for example, 1000. It

was 256, and now it's 4, progress. But there are a lot of additional conditions, is it realistic to

meet them?

These observations allow us to conclude: no matter how low the level of difficulty of a

problem falls, if the time and number of attempts allotted to solve it tends to zero, then, as

a result, the difficulty of solving such a problem - greatly increases! This philosophical

essay formed the basis of a conjecture, a timid intellectual fantasy on the subject: "Is it possible,

at least theoretically, to have another cryptography, without a key, or at least without a guarded

secret, which is needed to agree on a general encryption scheme, before Om starts encryption?"

This is "cryptography in reverse": many different encryption schemes are created in the

beginning, a unique chain of these schemes following one another is created, this group of

schemes will be relevant only once, only for one sequence of events. And this technique is used:

this chain of encryption schemes is not agreed before encryption, is probabilistic, but it will be

possible to verify it by analyzing the result - future Om. Then it turns out that the decrypted Om

we have in the present is an undefined version of the original Om. And we don't know or read

the original Om until the next Om is obtained and deciphered! This is cryptography in reverse, I

have nothing against it if such a concept can work reliably...

Keyless encryption, and this concept as a whole, at first glance, do not look reliable. Is it

possible to create a single secret encryption scheme, let alone many symmetric schemes,

without a matching factor? Who knows... Without a key, reliable encryption, in a variable

environment, can be implemented only when all the encryption schemes - will have equal

probability of being selected, from a very large set and without a fixed order of selection. Only

in this case, the ciphercode will not contain any information, which can be used - to calculate

correlations (keys), which do not exist anywhere, a priori.

If the ciphercode is formed in a variable environment consisting of a set of equally

probabilistic encryption schemes, the factor certifying the author of Om will be the

encryption scheme itself, relevant and expected for the recipient at this very moment in

time, for this very Om. Such a factor, if verifiable, is a logical analog of the trivial permanent

authentication factor. But there is an important difference: our factor is always new, variable,

unpredictable, actual only for one generated data packet**, it is a phantom. Verifying the client

through a mechanism to verify its current encryption scheme - is an alternative way of

passwordless authentication, which is performed continuously, always by a different

digital factor, deterministic only for this Om, to be used once. The reliability of the variable

numeric factor authentication is much higher than that of the permanent or/and temporarily

assigned factor because it takes place continuously with new factors, in a unique sequence. And

if you look even deeper - it completely neutralizes the danger of phishing attacks through

the vector of compromise of human factors, key and password information.

And that's not all. There is nothing more unpleasant for the attacker than not knowing the

client ID, especially if it is variable. The cipher code itself acts as a logical analogue of the

client (and server, this process is bidirectional) identifier, which upon receipt undergoes the

procedure of identification** according to the principle "friend" - "foe". The procedure of its

verification is an integral part, integral to the process of decryption, carried out by the method of

reconciliation of small linear blocks, in certain rounds. Identification of the author takes place

before reading the decrypted Om. Note that the equal probability concept of cipher code

formation, in fact, is observed in the Vernam cipher system. For every (any) bit of the

ciphertext, in this system, any bit of Om, any of the set "0" and "1", is always equally probable.

And the same concept of Vernam's system is also true for a byte of any length - equal

probability of all possible variants. It is proved by K. Shannon that encryption in the concept of

"equal probability (EP)" - has absolute reliability, unpredictable, not amenable to cryptanalysis.

This is probably the only absolutely reliable principle of encryption. Note that in EP there is no

analytical possibility of repeating any cipher, regardless of the content of Om itself, regardless

of the number of cycles of repeating information!!! That is why, only EP encryption concept is

able to provide absolute crypto-proofness of a cipher, it does not allow realization of intentional

repetition of a cipher, but leaves a place for case of its repetition, thus, expanding (instead of

narrowing) the number of possible cipher variants! Let's try to stick to this principle.

Cryptanalysis of equal probability cipher code is not possible due to lack of base for analysis. In

Vernam ciphers, this is explained simply - because a one-time binary tape is never repeated - it

is a key and it is always both variable and random. Therefore, in a Vernam cipher you can never

predict the correlations between a future cipher and any Om, they are always different, always

formed by a new random function. This is what it means that there is no basis for cryptanalysis,

no correlations, it's as if - no key, no key at all... Variable nature of the key - gives the illusion of

its absence, there are no constant rules in the encryption system, it is deterministic chaos...

Suppose, in a general sense, that the cipher system, in which keys are not used, and cipher

schemes can be chosen according to the equal probability principle, is a cryptosystem

similar to the Vernam cipher system, in which keys are always used, but at the same time,

have the highest level of entropy and are never repeated. This similarity is observed because

the value of any byte of the ciphercode formed by either of these 2 systems will always have an

equal probability of hitting the ciphercode - regardless of the content of Om. The ciphercode

and Om have a once-one definite rule of interaction, which will never happen again if the

ciphercode is of length, for example, from 256 bits. Otherwise, the Vernam system uses

unacceptable quality keys, and in a keyless system, the choice of encryption schemes is not

equally probabilistic. Moreover, if we theoretically consider the probability of repeating a cipher

code as a whole, such probability exists only for different contents of open messages and,

conceptually, should be equal to zero - for the same Om. Suppose that a system in which the

ciphercodes for 2 Om are always created in 2 different encryption schemes, the difference

between which is established without using a key, is similar to a system in which a new key is

always used. Exactly from this point of view, the ciphercode formed in the concept of

keyless technology is completely analogous to the Vernam system ciphercode. The

difference lies in the presence (Vernam's system) or absence (this concept) of a random (good

pseudorandom) function which is exchanged (keys) or not exchanged (here) on separate

communication channels, to agree on new cipher schemes. To make a complete description of

the keyless technology does not allow the limited space of this article. But it is possible to

briefly describe the "key" (main) points, which will allow the attentive reader to draw his own

conclusions about the prospects of this idea. To create a theoretical model of such a

cryptographic system, a different, special encryption method was needed, and a number of new

functions that are not characteristic of trivial cryptography, successfully resolving contradictions

between equal-probability random choice and continuous pair symmetry of different encryption

schemes. Keyless encryption technology, as a consequence, forms such a communication

channel, in which not only volume of transmitted data (Om), direction of information transfer is

hidden, but even fact of information exchange is not observable**(!), actually completely

closed communication channel (WCC) is created. The only parameter accessible to the external

observer is a calculation of maximum possible (as a probable parameter) volume Om which

users could exchange - for observable period. Such communication channel is ideal for hiding

the fact of sending commands to control robotics, masking the level and fact of communication

in security systems, closed data exchange over open communication channels in point-to-point

configuration, without the danger of hacking WCC through a vector of attack on the

"human factor", without phishing, compromise keys and passwords, in view of their

physical absence, on the fundamental level of technology functioning.

In this article, some new encryption concepts and methods will be shown, which are the core of

a functionally complete variant of the keyless system - Keyless Code Generator, KCG.


