The key to unlocking opportunity
Home Construction
We’re a full-service construction and development company specialising in community and affordable housing.
As I support our teams across the North Island, there is no denying that our industry is in a challenging time. It’s at times like this when we can be tempted to react to the now, make short-term decisions and move into survival mode. For some, there may be no other choice.
For Home Construction , our litmus test for decisions is, does it put people first? We know our staff are the heart of our business, so we choose to take care of them, support them to look after their family and rally around them when they’re struggling. In our relationships with build partners and suppliers, we choose to look for solutions that will benefit everyone, not just meet our needs.?
I have worked in the construction industry for 17 years now, and I’m proud to be working for a company where our values are actioned on a daily basis. For me, it doesn’t matter what season we are in, boom or bust, easy or tough; we should always have an eye on the future of our industry. I started work at 15, when my teacher literally drove me out of school and delivered me to my first job for a construction company in Gore. Not an ideal start to a career but it was an opportunity. I worked hard as a labourer and then an apprentice. Six years later, I was a qualified builder and got to work on a wide range of projects in agriculture, hospitality, tourism, and commercial and residential property. As my experience built, I saw that qualifications would open more doors and it was great to be in an industry where I could get qualifications in business and operations management as I worked.
There’s no way my 15-year-old self would have thought I would be an Operations Manager of a successful construction company by the age of 33, but by responding to opportunities with hard work, I’m now in a position where I am able to support young people into a career in construction.
There is a famous quote that says, “Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.” I agree, but would add, hard work is what unlocks the opportunity. If you want a career in construction and you’re prepared to work hard, then I am a testament that opportunities will come. Make sure you don’t miss them!
Simon Hardy , Operations Manager (North)?
Photography: Josh Hilliam