A key tool to help you achieve

A key tool to help you achieve

When I was at school my teacher used to complain that my handwriting was terrible; if she only knew that if I’d made it any clearer she’d have realised I couldn’t spell.

Mind you, with my father being Polish and my mother Italian, spelling wasn’t their forte either. I remember a note my mother once wrote to my teacher. It read, “The doctor says my son should not do PE today, please EXECUTE him.”

On the downside, teachers used to shake their heads and chuckle whenever they saw me. On the upside I was EXCUSED PE for a whole week. Wooooo hooooo!

I remember one of my school friends who seemed to be forever in trouble for daydreaming when in class. He hated school and wanted to be elsewhere, hence the daydreaming.

I wonder how many of us daydream. Have you daydreamed recently? Then, stop it!

Daydreaming is not helpful as we’re usually having the daydream because we’re not happy with our current circumstances. We’re not happy with what we have or where we are at that moment. Our minds are operating from a place of dissatisfaction. When we operate from a place of dissatisfaction or fear (in fact any unhelpful negative state) we lose clarity and just dream of being anywhere but the place we’re at now. There’s usually no purpose or commitment to the daydream.

However, visualising is different, admittedly a subtle difference, but a difference that makes ALL the difference.

Visualising is about getting our mind-set ready to achieve a goal, setting an intention to grow as a person and fulfilling our purpose.

When we visualise we're activating the reticular activating system in our brains which will actively look for opportunities and ways of achieving the outcome/goal we choose to have.

Think of it this way. Have ever been shopping for shoes in a shopping mall you've been to on many occasions? When you do, all the shoe shops will come to your attention. When you weren't looking for shoes the shops were still there but you didn't really notice them.

That's what happens when we visualise, we set our minds on an unconscious hunt for what we choose to have or achieve.

Athletes visualise the outcomes they choose to happen. They may have dreams of winning an Olympic medal, but they visualise themselves running the race, they visualise the tactics and strategies they need to execute and they visualise running across the winning line, or throwing the javelin the furthest or kicking the ball into the goal.

They’re not coming from an unhelpful place, but from a place of love for their sport, a place of commitment to their goal, a place of clarity and power. They know there’ll be a genuine joy when they achieve it.

Successful people visualise the outcomes they choose (not ‘want’ but ‘choose’) to have.

Visualisation is a key to help them achieve.

If you haven’t visualised before here are 5 quick steps to get you started:

    1: Know exactly what you’re choosing to happen

You need to have a clear idea of what you want and why.

    2 : Describe to yourself your vision in every detail possible

Imagine, once you’ve achieved your outcome/goal, what it looks like, feels like. If there are sounds, smells and tastes to your vision, experience them. Write all these details down or create pictures of them and put them in a scrapbook. Better still, put them somewhere you can see them every day like on a wall in your bedroom or office or on the fridge door.

    3: Start visualising and feel the emotions

Visualise once or twice a day for five to 10 minutes. The best times to visualise are just when you are awakening from your slumber in the morning and as you drop off to sleep at night. It's more important to visualise as you drop off to sleep at night. Why? Because our brains go into what’s known as the Theta State, which is when we connect the most with our subconscious mind. When in this state our ability to learn increases and it’ll be easier to change any unhelpful habits into positive behaviours.

    4: Take actions daily

If you know the steps to take to achieve your goal, when you visualise then visualise each step and take action actually do the next step. If you don't know the actual steps you need to take then each day ask yourself, ‘what would be the one thing I can do today that would help me get closer to my outcome/goal?’ You may find the actions you need to do change or new additional steps present themselves as your goal becomes reality. That's brilliant because you're getting closer to your goal so just keep going.

    5: Be patient stay focussed and persevere

If nothing happens after a few days or even months, it doesn’t mean visualising doesn’t work. There will be challenges along the way and as you meet these challenges visualise yourself overcoming them.

By the way, thanks to visualisation my handwriting is much better today although the odd spulling misteak does still kreeep in :O

Mat Castle

??Full-scale digital consulting ??AI/ML readiness ??Automation ??Data product development ??Data strategy ??Start-up support ??Total project management ??ESG ????????????

2 年

Hahaha ‘please execute him’, I bet that made your teachers day. Great article JOHN Hotowka - I love the focus on visualisation. I incorporate this in my morning meditation and give myself a positive mantra associated with it. Thanks for the tips, I will add these to my try-this list

Carole Spiers ?? Stress, Resilience and Wellbeing Public Speaker

Showing organisations how to improve their bottom line by reducing stress and improving mental health and wellbeing. | Founder International Stress Awareness Week. | Experienced Virtual Presenter.

2 年

JOHN Hotowka Having 'thinking time' and 'day dreaming' time are special moments. Just thinking of nothing can bring about an explosion of ideas.

Gill Tiney

Business strategist and founder of Collaboration Global, bringing good people together to create positive impacts on our world. Collaboration is my passion, our route to a better future for all.

2 年

Over the years I have realised that what I can see in my minds eye will happen, even down to the house I would live in. Having those steps to follow is a great way to practice the visualisation JOHN Hotowka, but I still love a little bit of staring out the window, and letting my mind wander, especially on long car journeys ??

Celynn Morin

Wellbeing Whisperer & Professional Speaker to Leaders & Managers | Reduce Stress & Burnout | Increased Energy & Resilience | Mental Health & Fitness | Proven holistic lifestyle framework

2 年

Initially I didn't agree when you said we should not daydream as I believe we do and some neuroscience backs up that this 'brain boredom' is actually good for us .... however as i read on i understood your point and really agree. I do visualisations a lot and find that the more i do them the more I create my reality ... rather powerful actually! Love your sense of humour too JOHN Hotowka

Sue Evans

Getting busy people fixing tough problems... Blending process improvement with behavioural science to unlock exceptional performance.

2 年

Not quite... Successful people visualise the process of / steps towards achieving the outcome - which you describe in point 4. Experiments have proved that visualising only the outcome can actually damage rather than improve results. Chris Hoy, the Olympic cyclist was a great example - he'd spent many hours visualising his final Olympic challenge, but was so focused on the steps that he hadn't even thought to find out where the scoreboard was - he came shooting over the finish line without a clue of his outcome. It was a Gold.


