Key tips when it comes to preparing for your interview
Key tips when it comes to preparing for your interview

Key tips when it comes to preparing for your interview

Congratulations you have landed yourself an interview – it might be that this opportunity is your dream role therefore, once you get through to this stage it is crucial to prepare as much as possible and really put your best foot forward. Ultimately if you leave the interview feeling positive about the experience you want the employer to be feeling the same way about you.

Research the company:

A great way to impress a potential employer is to prove you have done the background research, this doesn’t mean just covering the first page of their website. Have they been in the news recently, have you checked out their most recent projects, can your access their annual report? Hiring managers appreciate when you have taken the time to prepare in advance. By doing your research this will automatically give you a competitive advantage.

Prepare for the technical questions:

It is great to think in advance about the likely questions you may be asked. Sometimes the initial interview processes can end up being more casual, to begin with, however, it is important to prepare for those technical questions, so you don’t get caught off guard. Have examples of your previous work already prepared that you could use. Promote your abilities, what sets you apart from others applying for the same position? Don’t just answer with Yes or No, expand on your answers to demonstrate your experience and abilities.

Good questions to ask in an interview:

By asking smart questions you are again demonstrating your capability, showing your interest, and allowing the interviewer to clearly identify you as a potential hire. The below can hopefully give you more of an idea of other potential questions to ask:

How do you see this role developing over the next two years?

What are the company’s growth plans?

What are the 3 most important things you are expecting this person to deliver in year 1?

How do you like to manage?

What are the biggest challenges to be faced in the first 6 months?

What is the company culture like?

What new initiatives or technologies have recently been implemented?

What is your policy for learning and development?

Don’t forget the interview is a two-way process. Think also about what really you need to know to help you decide if this is the right opportunity for you.

Check the location:

Find your bearings before the day, research the location and double-check the time it will take to travel. Arriving on time is crucial. This means early but not too early. Late arrival is never excusable, you need to make sure you are not rushed and have plenty of time to find the office, regardless of any traffic issues. If it is a video interview, check in advance your microphone and camera are working perfectly and you have a location ready where you won’t be disturbed.

Dress to Impress:

You can’t dress too smart for an interview, but you can show up too casually. Ensure your personal presentation (shoes/suit /shirt /tie/hair) is perfect. Play it safe!

And lastly but most importantly, use your Recruiter – They are here to help. They will have worked with this client before, and they should know a lot more about the organisation, the hiring manager, the likely interview style, why the role is available, and the challenges and opportunities associated with the position.


