We have all heard the phrase teamwork makes the dream work and just like in any other industry this rings true in the industry of network marketing. The people you surround yourself with are the same people you will work side-by-side with to build your business. Investing in your team and creating strong relationships is what can set you up for success.
Part of investing in your team is taking the time to help them to grow on their own. Part of this growth is done through support and continual training. Below we look at some of the best ways to make sure your team feels supported through training.
– Understand what team member is looking for training. If they ask for help, I challenge you to listen to the problem and assess what they need help with, then put a plan in place to them through their challenge. All too often leaders will spend time trying to train someone who simple doesn’t want the help.
– Don’t just start “barking” orders, try understanding the communication style of your team member. Do they react positively to praise, do they need tough love or are they just looking for more education?
– Understand good business principals, after all you cannot train on something unless you truly understand it yourself. Work on developing your leaders by discussing their business strategies and principals with them one-on-one to help ensure they are on the right track.
– Incentivize, everyone loves an incentive. This could be something as simple as recognition or something more substantial like an award. Providing an incentive can also give people new short-term goals which can help them stay on track.
– Goals, help your team set goals, work with them to review and revise as their business grows. In addition, ask them if there is anything you can do to help them achieve their goal this may prompt a training you can help them with.
– Work on teambuilding. Team building activities are a great way to strengthen the bonds amongst your team while encouraging interactions and support from one another.
– Don’t talk about it, be about it. Show your team what you want them to do. That way they can simply mimic you and they will succeed. Its training by doing.
– Let others lead. Teach to teach, when training others take the time to make sure they can repeat the task at hand back to you or practice having them teach/train you. This helps to build their confidence and will empower them to help others.
– Check-in and meet with your team whether you plan on training them on a specific top or not. These check-in and informal meetings can lead to discussion and little mini sessions helping them to work through any challenges they may be facing.
Being part of a team can be rewarding and encourage you to find the path to team leadership that works for you!