Key Takeaways from DockerCon
Now that dust has settled from all the activity from DockerCon, I thought I would share my key takeaways from the event. Keeping this short and simple but happy to deep dive if anybody is interested. There were no big surprises but it is clear that journey towards operationalizing containers has accelerated significantly from last year. So, here goes -
1. Multi-cloud Kubernetes was all the buzz. Docker made their own announcement on that front. Vendors spoke about it, customers asked about it. Few are doing it but everyone is planning for it. It was clear that customers are looking to marry their cloud strategy with container strategy and #1 use case was hybrid cloud Kubernetes container management. Where is that single management plane when you need it?
2. Customers have made significant strides in adopting Kubernetes. We can see the change in sheer numbers (3X+ foot traffic) as well as conversation depth. Discussions moved from why to how and we had in-depth conversations on integrations, operations and application management. The "Get It" factor with customers was 100%.
3. Significant number of customers focused on application management across clusters and and integrating with their existing CI/CD tools. Ease of use in managing applications and meeting the needs of developers (coding without worrying about underlying infra) and IT Ops were big on customer's mind.
4. Bringing disparate developer clusters under single IT Ops umbrella for governance with consistent policy was called out as key challenge by multiple customers.
5. Container Security is a big area of interest for customers with specific focus on single solution for clusters in multi-cloud environments (On-prem, AKS, GKE, EKS).
Just to recap, these were some announcements from Nirmata at DockerCon -
1. Nirmata launches Private Edition.
2. Nirmata announces partnership with Diamanti.
3. Managing your Kubernetes Workloads on Amazon EKS using Nirmata.
What are you thoughts from the event? Do share with your comments.