Key to Success for Any Organization

In layman’s term, customer only means those who makes transactions in cash or kind from an organization. However, we have studied that there are 2 types of customers. One is external customer who makes transactions in cash or kind and other is internal customer who works within the organization.The later type is of utmost importance. If internal customers are happy, they will make the external customers very much satisfied and hence your organization will make profit. This is similar to our body also. If we are internally happy, we will spread happiness, deal with others with happiness.However, in the present scenario, many organizations have forgotten this golden rule to keep internal customers (employees) happy and motivated and focus only on external customers.There are many ways to keep the employees happy and satisfied like allowing them to take leaves (in limitations, which in real term does not affect company’s productivity), timely appraisals, appraise them for good works and through various other ways also.There are many organizations like Google, Amazon, Flipkart etc where “Retention of Key Members & Attracting Best Talents” is very much in practice.Hence, Organizations and Managers need to learn how to keep their employees happy and satisfied because an organization is build up by happy employees only and this is applicable not only for small companies but for bigger organizations also.

Wake up before you lose some good talents.


