Key Questions Business Owners Should Ask Themselves
Mike Williams
Executive Coach, Business Coach, Sales Coach, President of The Growth Coach of Northern VA
It is important for CEO’s and business owners to keep the “Big Picture” top of mind. A CEO has to have a 30,000 foot view of the business, as well as understand where the business is going from a growth and development perspective. With that said, ask yourself the following questions and review your responses:
1.) What is your why? Why are you in the business that you are in?
2.) What are your goals for this year? What do you want to accomplish this year?
3.) What have you learned since you have been in business (Key Learnings)?
4.) What are your sources of income in your business (Revenue streams)?
5.) What tools, activities or programs are currently helping you grow your business?
6.) Finish the following statement, “In 5 years my business will be___________ .”
Study your answers to the above questions. Compare your answers above to information in your current annual business plan. Incorporate any new information into your current annual business plan.
Mike Williams, President