The Key Principles For Success in your Business

The Key Principles For Success in your Business

Business success has little to do with salesmanship, even less to do with knowledge of products and services.

It all comes down to basic fundamental principles. The core of those principles stands the same for sustaining your thriving business, and for determining success in your life.

For our simple understanding let us classify them as A, B & C. Respectively standing for Attitude, Belief and Consistency. Let’s elaborate on them in reverse.


We are consistent in our daily habits like getting up, brushing our teeth, getting dressed and having breakfast. We need the same pattern of being consistent in our actions when it comes to tasks associated with our business.

As highlighted in spiritual texts, our concentration should be on our consistent actions and not on the expected results. If we consider mountain climbing as an appropriate example, our desire will always be to get the view from the summit, but without properly concentrating on our every single step, we have no way of fulfilling that desire. It’s always one step at a time. For any major task in life.


We are not talking about those beliefs that move the mountains. We are addressing those genuine and honest beliefs about our business that are well-intentioned. Those beliefs are the ones that will guide us in bringing out great products and services. Those beliefs are the ones that will motivate the workforce to bring out their best. And those beliefs are the ones that result in customer satisfaction.


The most important quality out of the three, but ineffective on its own is the attitude with which we approach life and business. Attitude is that wonderful quality that shadows the rest of the attributes you possess in your personality. You may consciously or unconsciously wear it, but everyone can see through it through your presence.

Why the attitude factor is critical is, you have to sell yourselves before you sell your product. Every well-intentioned individual has to sell themselves and their ideas that is the only way they can navigate through the business world and propagate their ideas to make an impact.

By amalgamating the best of all the three identified principles we can look forward to waking up with a bright smile and carrying that positive energy to our business transactions.


