A Key Piece of the Puzzle: Belonging
A Guide for Community Stewards
A book to support you in developing an empowered and impactful community of purpose.
The first chapter in A Guide for Community Stewards addresses the importance of fostering a sense of belonging within the community you are convening.
We suggest that belonging within a community can take place on three levels:
So what can you do to make sure that your community is addressing belonging on all three of these levels? Here are a few suggestions from the forthcoming book:
--> Develop a belonging statement. Like having a set of values, vision, mission, and goals, a belonging statement is one of those key definitions that every community should have. Such a statement helps to identify the type of environment and feeling your community wants members to experience. It also helps you attract the type of people your community wants and needs.
--> Use a rubric. How do you know if you are centering belonging? One way to measure and keep track of your efforts is to design a rubric for each activity or initiative that your community engages in that includes elements related to belonging. Some examples of what to include in a rubric are:
--> Ask for (and listen to) feedback. As you will hear us say many times in the guide, the best way to do anything in your community is to bring the issue or question to your community. You can ask for feedback from your community through a survey, focus groups, observation, informal discussion or other data collection methods. Since “a sense of belonging” can be a vague concept to most people, you’ll have to ask specific questions like: Describe a time that you felt like you belonged in the community. Have you ever felt that you were invisible in the community? How much do you feel that people in the community know you?
We'd love to hear your ideas! How do you address belonging on all three levels?