Key Leadership | The Truth About the Beginning

Key Leadership | The Truth About the Beginning

Everyone PAY ATTENTION! The Pursuit of excellence and truth in your life brings about the following resistance from those around you.

These three steps are 100% predictable.

If you aren't experiencing these three steps, you may need to ensure you are actually pursuing your purpose instead of just acting like you are pursuing purpose:

1. Ridicule.

They will say thinks like: "Whatever you do...don't get your hopes up!" and "That'll never work, and if it does it won't work for you!" and "What are you doing that for? That's crazy!" They may believe in you, but at this stage, they don't want to give you too much hope.

Your response: Go forward anyway. Don't ridicule them back. Don't be mean to them. Just put your head down and keep moving forward.

The ridicule will likely shake you up a bit and may make you question your purpose, but keep moving forward.

Open another book, turn on another audio, attend another seminar, get on your knees and pray-- but keep moving forward!

This happened within days of making the decision to pursue my purpose.

My family was the first up to bat to ridicule my decision. I didn't know how to respond, but I knew I wanted different results. I knew I had to do something different! I'm sure glad they ridiculed me!

Not too long ago, I was asked to be a Vice President at the company I work with. I was so excited about this growth! I called my dad and told him the good news. I wanted him to say, "Son I'm very proud of you!" That was all I wanted to hear-- just one time! Instead he said, "What were there only two people in your company?" I couldn't believe it!

Those closest to you will ridicule you. Its not because they don't believe in you, it simply means that they don't understand. Just stay quiet. In order to be a part of the 5% of people that make a huge difference in the world you'll have to do what 95% of the people don't want to do -- thus, your ridicule will come from the huge majority of people.

2. Violently Opposed.

This stage happens when you start getting results.

At this stage, you would hope those closest to you would say things like, "Oh, I guess we were wrong!" but NO, they will say things like, "You can't possibly be doing it right!" or "You have no integrity!" or "No one is possibly going to believe in you!" or "Why don't you go get a real job!" or "Look, you need to stop this, don't you see what you are doing to yourself?"

This stage can be a good thing if you are pursuing your purpose because it is sure evidence that you are doing something right! You'll find out who your true friends are. Don't be mean. Don't be arrogant. Just let these things happen and rest assured that you are making progress in your life!

For me, after only four weeks in the pursuit of my purpose I experienced violent opposition.

It was my boss at the company I used to work at. His name was Bobby. He didn't understand.

I was so excited about the awesome things I had learned at a conference I attended that I went to him and told him about one of the awesome decisions I had made to pursue my purpose! His response was these words, "You are doing something else?...hmmm"

At that moment, I knew there was a target on my back.

Within four weeks from that conversation he fired me.

The words he told me when I asked why he was firing me were this: "Daniel, you are an entrepreneur, you need to go start a business!" What a horrible reason to fire someone! I tried to apply for unemployment and was denied because that was the only reason he told me he was firing me!

As I walked out the door to that building with my box of things from my desk I called my mentor Clif. Clif said this to me, "Daniel, You will realize later on that this is the best thing that ever happened to you!"

You want to know something? He was right. The journey has been amazing and its not over yet and it has been amazing!

3. Accepted as Self Evidence.

This stage happens when the evidence of your progress is unstoppable! They will say things like "I always knew you'd do it!" and "You always had that personality!" and "Oh yea we knew that was the right way to make it!" and "Yeah I was just kidding with you back then!" and "My ridicule made you stronger, didn't it!" and they will literally take credit for your success!

Its kind of fun when they do this because it almost makes you want to ask, "well why didn't you believe me 3 years ago when I first started this journey!?" It takes a special level of humility for them to admit that they were wrong back when you first started, so don't expect this to happen at all. Maintain your center and thank them for their kind thoughts.

Keep your eyes open. The Mindset of Abundance is always looking out for things like this. Keep a positive outlook on every single thing that come around. The journey is absolutely amazing -- keep on! There is a whole army of people out there that truly wants you to make it!

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These three steps were learned from an audio by Orrin Woodward called, "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" available on Rascal Radio.


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