Key Leadership | The Seeking and Finding Principle
Two times in the Bible Jesus uses the phrase " and ye shall find...". Those five simple words are very powerful and teach us some very important principles as we pursue our purpose.
Let me begin by asking you this, have you gotten to the point in your pursuit of excellence where you have gotten so frustrated with your results that you went ahead and made the decision to change your information? If you haven't, I'd highly recommend it.
Orrin Woodward made a statement on an audio that I was heard while listening to Rascal Radio nearly five years ago that has played a huge part in the results I've been privileged to experience in my life. He said, "Either you hate changing enough to lose or you hate losing enough to change!"
One thing that made a huge difference in my life was when I changed my information. I subscribed to the Total Personal Development Platform and have allowed that consistent information to become a part of who I am today! I can't say enough good about that platform for you!
Let me go back to my original question -- have you ever gotten frustrated with your results that you began to change your information? When you read the Bible, a book, listen to an audio, or have a conversation with someone that frustration is causing you to WANT better information and you begin to see things differently than you used to see them.
This happened for me when I read Matthew 7:7 not too long ago, then ironically I turned on Rascal Radio that same day and heard it talked about on the audio I was listening to!
Having a good understanding of The Principle of Seeking and Finding will help bring peace to what seems to be insanity that you are experiencing.
Number 1: The Principle of Seeking and Finding Begins with SEEKING.
It does not say "HOPE". It does not say "ANTICIPATE". It does not say "PLAN". It says "SEEK".
The word seek is an action word. You must take action in your seeking. If you are comfortable with your results then you may not be seeking enough. This statement means "seek and seek and seek and seek and seek." Seek for wisdom.
Seeking involves asking better questions. If you are sitting in front of a high impact person of high character and you are asking him low level questions you will frustrate him tremendously. Think carefully about the questions and comments you are going to make to that person that you are going to ask questions to.
Seek. Seek. Keep seeking. Don't stop seeking. The man that thinks he knows everything will soon realize that he knows nothing. It takes a special level of humility to SEEK.
Although it is important to follow someone ahead of you in your journey, you must own your journey. You cannot take their journey. They are on their own journey. You can follow in their footsteps, but your mentor cannot make your journey for you. You must seek for your direction and move forward.
If you don't know exactly what it is that you are looking for when it comes to your purpose, don't stop seeking! Because the statement doesn't end there! Look at Number 2:
Number 2: The Principle of Seeking and Finding ends with SHALL FIND.
This is not an implication of hope. This is a guarantee. Everyone that has achieved a level of success in their life began their journey with their "WHY?" in mind. They began with the end in mind. Your "WHY" is so important to your purpose.
But let me encourage you if you are on your journey -- the SEEKING PROMISES A FIND! You will find it! There is a definite guarantee that it will come! You will win and you will achieve your purpose! In your journey, no matter how late at night you stay up, no matter how many phone calls you have to make, no matter how many mistakes you have to make, no matter how much you seemingly will lose, you can rest assured that you SHALL FIND.
Keep on going back to your "Why" constantly in your life. Put it in pictures in a prominent place in your house. If we do not have the core belief in our purpose we need to go back to WHY we are seeking.
Knowing your WHY is far more important than knowing your WHAT -- in other words just because you have the skill set to achieve your dream, that skill set will not carry you all the way to your "why". This gets us to Number 3:
Number 3: We must SEEK before we can FIND.
Your dream comes at a price. You must pay that price. Without a question. If you want to find what it is you are looking for, you must pursue it with all you have. Invest in your "shall find" promise. Rest assured it will bring tons of insecurity, but it will also bring so much peace to your life! If you aren't scared about the next step in your journey, then you need to take a bigger step!
It has been said so many times. The process of success looks like this: Define what it that you want, Learn from someone with results in that area of their life, set about to Do what it is that you want to do. DEFINE -- LEARN -- DO.
I would strongly encourage you to look at the Total Personal Development Platform. This platform has made a difference in my life as a professional in so many ways! Just the Sales Training Program in it is enough, but then you add in the other six aspects of the TPD Platform! Download yours now by clicking this link: