Key Leadership | Financial Principle on Giving

Key Leadership | Financial Principle on Giving

I really appreciate the many years that Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady have spent putting together the Financial Fitness Program. They have the validated results in their lives and are highly qualified examples of each of the principles offered in the Financial Fitness Program.

One principle I want to bring out has to do with giving. Let me begin right off by bat by asking you to consider this statement:

"Giving is not a religious rule, it is a principle of wealth."

I've run into them all the time. People that claim to be "open minded" yet almost get angry at you when you tell them your thoughts that may be a bit different than theirs. I was reminded recently that "If everyone else in this world is thinking this way, shouldn't you start thinking that way?" I heard that statement, looked at the results that person has in their life and quickly determined that that person is no longer qualified to offer me financial advice.

In my mind, if everyone else in the world is thinking one way, I am accountable to do everything I can to think differently. Not out of arrogance, but out of mere disrespect for the poor results that "everyone" in the world is attaining in their lives.

That said, now that we know that it may be best to reconsider some ideas, lets repeat the statement we brought out earlier: "Giving is not a religious rule, it is a principle of wealth."

Broke is a mindset. If we don't want to be broke we must change our thinking, correct? So understanding this, we need to choose to follow the core principles of wealth. Giving is one of those principles. Let's look at how it is worded in the Financial Fitness Program on page 65:

"Pay 10% of your income to tithing. Give even if you are really broke. Giving puts you in a mindset of abundance and puts any financial worries in their proper perspective, so it should not be limited to just tithing. The Bible categorizes giving as: 1) Tithes and 2) Offerings."

There are 4 sentences in this principle, lets take a look at 3 of them carefully.

The first sentence is "Pay 10% of your income to tithing." This is so important. This is the most basic amount that one should give -- ten percent. Why ten percent? Well God set it at 10% when He called it a "TITHE". The word "TITHE" means "TEN PERCENT" So in order to say "Yes I tithe!" it is important to ensure that you are giving ten percent or it is not a tithe. If you give 9 percent of your income that is honorable but it is not a tithe. If you give 11 percent of your income then only the first 10 percent is considered tithe.

Just don't forget our initial statement though -- "Giving is not a religious rule, it is a principle of wealth." Keep it in the front of your mind as we continue on --

The second sentence mentioned in this principle is: Give even if you are really broke. Imagine you are going to a car dealership with the intent to buy a car. The salesman does a fantastic job of making you feel really good about this particular car and you decide you want it. He then asks you "How much money do you have to pay?" or something of that sort -- and you tell him "I have $1,000 to put down on this car." It is a good thing that you have $1,000 to put down on the car, but it is not the full price of the car. Therefore he offers you a financing option to allow you to separate the cost of the car into multiple monthly payments. You look at how much you make every month and you realize that you can do it! So you sign the bottom line and drive off with your nice car. But here is the thing -- you are broke! You have now willingly taken up to 20% of your monthly income and offered it up to ensure you have a car to drive. It is good to have a car, but it is not good to be broke.

If you are broke it is not because you don't have any money in the bank. If you are broke it is because of how you choose to think about money. If you were applying the principles of giving in your life you likely would not have purchased that car because your mindset would be different. In addition, if you wanted that car bad enough you would have called your mentor and asked him or her for permission to make the purchase and you would have slept on it before making the decision.

Do you see how it all compounds against you? It really does begin in your thinking. It is vital that you look at your finances and first adjust your thinking and the best way to adjust your thinking is to give. Even if you THINK you don't have the money to give, it is important to give anyway. Because remember, "giving is not a religious rule, it is a principle of wealth."

The third statement in this principle is the following: "Giving puts you in a mindset of abundance and puts any financial worries in their proper perspective, so it should not be limited to just tithing." Did you see it again? "...the MINDSET of ABUNDANCE..." When you choose to give you are making a statement that you are willing to adjust your thinking into the mindset of abundance. Do you give JUST so others can be benefited? or do you also give because it is a principle of wealth?

The Bible says "God loveth a cheerful giver..." You should always give with an open heart for others, but why? The core reason why is because it is a principle of wealth and places you in a mindset of abundance.

Let me ask you this. Do you think God is interested in your success? If he wants you to have peace in your life, why not follow the principles that He wrote out for us in the Bible? One of those principles deals with giving. God wants you to be in the mindset of abundance -- place yourself in that mindset by giving. Then when you give, give some more.

Always keep your heart tender to the needs of other people. If you get greedy with money, keep yourself in check by giving. It will soften your heart. Why does God say that he WANTS to bless you when you give? Well, I would dare say that God is so interested in giving you back what you gave "pressed down and shaken together" that when you do give according to the principles of wealth your entire method of thinking will be vastly adjusted to realize that you are not the most important person in the world.

I'd recommend getting your copy of the Financial Fitness Program. For information on how to obtain yours please reach out to at [email protected].


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