key, knock & click
The length of a minute depends on which side of the bathroom door you are on when you really have to go!
Life isn’t fair. But who says it is supposed to.?
When you are in sales you experience a lot of rejection. At times it may feel like nobody loves you, no one understands you and …?
If you can’t handle it - don’t go into sales.
On the other hand, once you find your perfect prospect, client, people you click with - this will feel like you’re on the top of the world, like nothing can stop you, like the world is your oyster…?
The key is to knock on as many doors as possible to finally find those you click with.
Life is between “nobody loves me” and “the world is my oyster.” It contains both.
Just like your mind can hold two seemingly contradictory beliefs. On one hand “life is short,” on the other - “Prospect takes forever to reply!”
That’s natural.?
That’s human nature.?
There are two wolves in your mind, fighting for the pack dominance.?
Black represents all the negative and “nobody loves me.”?
White wolf is all the good that happened, that keeps happening and will keep happening.?
Which wolf wins?
?The one you feed, the one you sport, the one you spend most time with.
It’s easy to give up.
But easy is not what makes life meaningful.?
[ and just like that 251 words … remember to be good to yourself… and see you next week…]