The key to keeping going

The key to keeping going

The blur of January has now moved into a new month and with the announcements last week that schools aren’t going back till at least mid March it can be a little overwhelming. 

Whatever your situation, I know that you will most likely be feeling it right now. 

There is no nowhere go, you are ‘living at work’ it might be hard to stay motivated and you are probably gasping for headspace if you are a working parent with kids at home.

I’ve had a few moments over the last week where I’ve questioned how I’m going to do it. (insert steam coming out of head emoji lol.)

The client work I do involves virtual training workshops and deep-dive one to one coaching. All of which need quiet and peace to be able to deliver effectively. I am excited and grateful that I am booked and busy, but I’ve noticed that there are many hurdles at the moment and changing the plan is turning into a daily necessity.

If you are in the same boat as me and are finding it hard, firstly I’m sending a big hug your way.

I’m also sharing some things that are helping me just in case they might help someone else.

  1. Find head space however you can

This is super hard if you are with your kids 24/7 with no let up but getting even just a few moments of thinking space can really help re motivate and recharge. Calling in grandparents to facetime, shutting yourself in the bathroom for a bit with your laptop, doing a few laps around your garden barefoot, sitting in silence with a candle when they finally go to sleep at night. Whatever ways you can grab it, do it!

2. If plan B doesn’t work try C or D

We all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and wanting a different result. This phrase has never been more appropriate than now!

I’ve had to come up with a new plan now that I know schools aren’t going back. It’s going to look different to everyone but making small tweaks and changes however tiny can feel so much more positive and like progress is being made.  

3. Pick your battles

This is as much to do with yourself as anyone else. If something isn’t working and you are beating yourself up about it, be kind to yourself and let it go. No one is getting out of this any time soon and trying to keep it all afloat is pretty impossible. When it comes to work, it has helped me to laser in on the most important things to focus on and be ruthless about it. Everything else can wait. Picking battles with my kids has also been crucial for all our sanity. Limited screen time? Pah!

4. Keep it simple

If your business involves you showing up to stay visible and generate leads, decide on the simplest way you can do this whilst conserving your energy. I’ve spoken before about the Minimum Effective Dose (thank you Dan Meredith!) which is deciding the minimum amount of times to show up in a given week. For me, that’s one email to my list that I repurpose into a blog and article on LinkedIn, and 3 posts. Sticking to your MED will help you still move forward without being overwhelmed. Keep your work processes and tasks super simple too. Blocking time has really helped me get stuff done at the best times of day based on my energy.

(PS - If you would like a bit of help with how to block your time based on your energy just hit reply and I’ll send you my energy planner, free of charge with no opt in required.)

5. Stick to boundaries and routine

If you thrive on routine (which most of us do) sticking to it really does help the head. On the days where I have stayed in my PJs, not had a shower until 3pm (I know I’m not alone here lol) I’ve had a head fug for the whole day. Boundaries are super important too. Stick to your guns in terms of what you are and aren’t available for, for who you do and don’t give your time to. Beware energy dementors and protect yourself from them!

(My energy planner can really help with this too! Just hit reply and I’ll send it to you.)

6. Make yourself feel nice

Excuse my french but giving a shit about yourself at the moment is crucial! This obviously looks like different things to different people. For me, slapping a bit of fake tan on so I don’t look like the walking dead, putting a bit of makeup on, getting some exercise in, sorting my chipped old nails out from time to time and whacking on a face a mask now and then does help me to feel like less of a hermit hobbit. 

And parents, if you are still struggling, just watch this clip from the wonderful Romish Rangunathan and it will make you feel instantly better.

Hang in there!

Sending love




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