The key in identifying the End User and the Financial Decision Maker when closing a sale.
Good Day:
If you are a professional sale executive we have all been in this situation before. We have a great meeting with a prospect, they like us, love the service/project and are ready to sign. We get excited about closing our deal and making some nice commission. We schedule the meeting to get the contract paperwork signed and all of a sudden everything goes dark!! Our phone calls do not get answered, our emails do not get replied too. Then unfortunately we loss the sale, or it takes months to get the door back open. Why does this happen with deals sometimes? Why does it seem all perfect until it comes time to sign the paperwork and close the deal. I have done this several times, and I had to retrace my steps to determine what I may have done wrong. I realized that I had the (End User) sold on the product/service, but I did not meet the financial decision maker. I never met the person who actually had the power to sign off on the deal. How did I miss this important person? Why was I not told by my contact that this person was the actual person that signs off on the deal.
Most end users want to present themselves as the key person during any sales process. In some cases they are, but in other cases they have to get internal approve from the financial decision maker. As a sales professional at the beginning of your sale process always ask upfront who the key players will be during the entire sales process. Make sure you have a list of all parties involved. Also when presenting your (Business Solution) make sure your solutions covers the needs for each party. Your business solution for the end user may be the ease of use and how the service will make their day easier. Your business solution to the financial decision maker will be R.O.I and why your service/product will be a financial benefit to the company. Once all parties have been presented the information relative to their specific needs. You as a sales professional will have greater success closing deals that involve multiple parties with multiple needs. Have a great day