Happiness & satisfaction are not eternal and hard to achieve but our brains simply aren’t wired to process this line this way. Instead, our brains always try to run after happiness and remain happy 24x7.In this fast-paced world, we constantly strive for happiness and that's why this is being thought even in Harvard, Stanford alongside Engineering, business management.
I know a 17-year-old giving advice on happiness is just like a 1st-grade student solving complex mathematical equations, but I hope that launching it during the pandemic will help you modify your mindset, giving you perspective while you have the time to think about what matters most to you.
Starting, I want to give you four tips for happiness, in my opinion, you need to know to start managing your own happiness more proactively-
"Fear kills you the most".90% of the time we play short terms games and forget about life is not just getting a job till 25 and spend rest on automated mode. Rather, it is much more than that so do not enslaves yourself in a race and focus on long-term goals and satisfaction. Start completing things that are difficult as completing them will give you the ultimate joy and happiness. Face all your fears, one each day-week-month & one at a time. Just start!
The only pilot of your life is you & you only and no one else." the window into your soul is your body", know what you eat, read, drink, spend your time on. Your soul is the empty room to clean and then sit and meditate in. You have to build a fortress and you have to be the king of your fortress every day.
Many great spiritual leaders have made this point, of course. Once The Dalai Lama stated, “We need to learn how to want what we have not to have what we want in order to get steady and stable Happiness.”Don’t obsess about the things you are happy to have, Don’t count your possessions or assets you acquire. Make an inventory of your worldly desires and try to decrease them. Make a bucket list but not of exotic vacations and expensive stuff. Make a list of the attachments in your life you need to discard. Then, discard them and learn to be satisfied with all you have and not what you desire off.
Death is inevitable and will one come to all of us so why live a life in the fear of death. Start thinking about what will you retrospect when you 60 years old and start focusing on the power of compounded interest. To make your future happy you have to start from today because eventually the tomorrow referred will become today. So start respecting the time and accepting the nature of death.
Do what you love, try as many things as possible, experiment with things, eat healthy, and most importantly use death not as obstruction but as a constraint as it will help achieve peak performance.
Hope you liked this article!