A Key To Growth - Self Development

A Key To Growth - Self Development

As a part of my daily ritual, I was seated for meditation. I usually do a breathing technique to calm my nervous system first as the visuals of what I want to do and what is happening keeps circling. I am an early riser and strive to utilise fresh, high vibrating energy in the morning to receive power, control and peace. I am sure you all must have some sort of ritual to empower yourself. Do not worry if you don't have either, as it is never too late to start. However, why would anyone take practice on and what is it worth for? Well, We are conditioned to a mindset where the first and last question we have while having any personal or professional transaction is "What is in it for me?" I also began by inquiring and looking at in all faces that why should I give up my valuable sleep and wake up early for no reason. And it wasn't a lot of time that I began to have realisation of the magic it had to offer.

You have a lot of power within, only thing is to see it, more than that- discover it. I have been working part 12+ years now and bit unstoppable in that sense. I felt doing nothing was a mistake sometimes. The myths that I consumed to achieve success has a reverse effect. But how grateful I am today, to have identified those and got on the track that is bigger than me and my ultimate purpose. And this feels so empowering that I could not stop to share with my community and have them see a light of possibility that could add a lot of value.

Here are some of the self-development practices and realisations I explored for starters.. I have my third book coming and so saving treasure for it. Until then this article might make your day:

5 Strategies to reach where you belong:

  1. Focus on which feeling you want to experience rather than what you want-

Our material body can see materialistic things and so we attach our belief and trust in the things we can experience with our senses. So if anyone is willing to be rich feels that the money hold power and so spends all life trying to get money. Likewise, the first discovery would be to learn about what is the kind of experience you want to have and living in that experience in head will tune you to attract more of those experiences. How will you feel to be successful or have a lot of money? Power, Free, Happy - Ok. Then focus on the experience of power, happy and freedom. We think it is money that hold power, however it is in-fact you that holds power, money is an instrument as you are for soul.

2. Breakdown a big task or dream into small achievable steps.

This is one discipline that gives a competitive edge over a lot. The problem is we are trained to be result oriented and hence proving to others, impressing people you don't like, doing what looks acceptable and going as per trend are the signs of people who are scared to confront their realities. First of all, dreams are dreams but why is that your dream? this is the question to inquire. What is your purpose behind that dream and do you want to see your dream alive even if it is without you? Well put yourself in this discomfort to identify where you truly belong. And after that define next step that you need to take and not the otherwise.

3. Don't hunt for what you want in other's profiles. Look into your own Strengths and Interest

We consume a lot of information each minute, through social or in any interaction with people. Learning is definite however unlearning is also crucial. Our thoughts, behaviour and desires are highly influenced by what we read and see. So your desire to be successful will take to the stories and journey of people who think are successful and you will become influenced. Later your actions will be not authentically yours for an average of someone else. You as person has an unidentified potential- to be in rush, using short cut would damage the person who you actually are and you will begin to live an average life of those people who follow or are influenced by. Be a one hundred percent you, let it take its own time. Until it is your turn, celebrate others. There is a difference in being inspired and getting influenced, focus on inspiration you gather that would fuel your purpose and growth by celebrating who already have achieved.

4. Learn one new skill every day related to the field you want to master

I have a lot of degrees, well it’s not bragging if it is true. Of course I am harvardless and IIT/IIMless for sure,. But does that even matter? If I am put in any room of interest, I feel confident, I have a know-how about at least a few genres, skilled enough to take up challenge and efficacy in what I do. To get formal education into the interest I had I gathered all the professional degrees I could have, I still pursue professional courses as if I can do it, I need to set a mark. The idea of mastering your own territory from the book mastery struck my brain so well that I got to its core. However I continued to have my learning fire evolve and expand my knowledge vertical. So if you have a defined interest and field you wish to contribute your life to, the self-development strategy is to pick a small chunk or skill that you might not actually do but you know it how it. Just to joke around, you will not be fooled easily, because you know the matter and skills.

One skill at a time- be a master of your own territory and you will be of service

5. Write things you are grateful for not just once but everyday

I am so grateful that I wrote this. The energy that I am radiating today is of Joy and Contentment, may you experience it for yourself too after reading this. Well having a ritual to write things you are grateful for might sound "My little diary time", but it is not. It is the greatest weapon to heal yourself from anything. The more you think of your blessing more you will attract it. So when you feel defocused, distracted- don't take up harmful filler habits but pick up your pocket diary, paper or a writing tool and start writing things you are grateful for today. I see people do it once or in any sort of workshop they are part of- No, this is a consistent exercise. Make it your own and do it every day. Please do not use laptop or mobile to write- Allow yourself some discomfort of writing with pen on a paper.


Plug in to 7 Add-Ons and perform it consistently:

  1. Affirmations and Daily ritual

Wake up without checking your phone.

  • Mindful Walk 30mins
  • Writing Gratitude Journal
  • Guided Meditation 15mins

Here is one such meditation you can listen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/guided-meditation-to-release-negative-thoughts-1/id1546045432?i=1000522750061

5. Reading books

Not all books, but book that you call for- Read the blurb and see if the book matches your vibration and thoughts or addresses what you need to read at the moment. Reading with a purpose. Do not read books just because they are famous and who want to catch up with the trend. Read it if you need to-

(My Go to books are, Good to Great, 13 Things mentally strong people don't do)

6. Consistency and Surrender

Everything takes time, Let go of your itch to check on results, and focus on your routine. Consistent routine and surrender yourself to it.

7. Information Diet

You do not need to know everything. Only have information that adds value to you self-development and not score your vanity.

It has done wonders to me and I continue to grow in my life as I trust and believe in myself and the power I have. You have it too, don't let assumes judgment stop you- Go for it!

Ok, This is my experience and these are strategies that helped me, You may have some more or other strategies that may work for you. Keep discovering and working on yourself and that is the key to growth and success.

-Shruti Nagar Dave




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