The Key to Getting Your Body & Mind in Shape: Testosterone
Montel Hardin
PT, strength & nutrition coach since 2017. Helped 700+ clients drop fat & get healthy by rewiring their metabolism. Founder @hardinathletix
Feel like nothing works & you just can’t drop the stubborn fat & tone up ? You may have very low testosterone.
Here’s a crash course on the most important hormone for men’s health & fitness:
Testosterone is a sex hormone that regulates sex drive (libido), bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and the production of red blood cells and sperm.So it affects body composition AND cell / organ health in men.
Some telling signs your T levels might be low?
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Depression
- Low Energy
- Low Sex Drive
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Decreased muscle mass
- Weight gain around waist & hips
- Enlarged breast tissue (gynecomastia)
Average testosterone levels in men 20+ have dropped 25% since 1999. It’s obvious that our modern lifestyles & food choices are messing with our bodies in a big way.
If you’re trying to get your body in shape, and get your mind consistently motivated, here’s the 3 biggest things to focus on:
1. Healthy Fats
Fats are essential for testosterone production, because cholesterol is the building block of all hormones.
Add more saturated fats like eggs, red meat, coconut oils, and dairy products.
And more monounsaturated fats like olive oil and avocados.
2. Minimize Daily Stress
Cortisol, the stress hormone, work’s opposite of testosterone.
When it goes up, T levels go down.
High stress also makes us eat more, and it causes our body to store more visceral fat around the organs.
Start getting more sleep, meditating and mastering your mornings.
And pay attention to how you respond to situations. Stop getting so defensive, emotional & angry about things.
Being in your feelings all the time ramps up the cortisol too.
Just take some deep breaths.
I feel like I have a different reason why you should do this every day. Hopefully this one will stick.
Studies show that increased physical activity was more beneficial than calorie restriction for increasing testosterone levels.
And weight lifting was shown to create almost an immediate boost in testosterone (which is why you feel happier, more accomplished & confident physically after a lift)
There’s no shortcuts around it man. You’re gonna have to work out to optimize your health.
- Prioritize healthy fats
- Lower your stress levels
- Resistance train regularly
Normal range for testosterone levels in men is 300-1,000 ng/dL.
If you fall far under this range, you may want to look at TRT, but don’t underestimate the impact that changing your lifestyle habits can have on your t levels.
You can get your hormone labs done from your PCP, or you can take an at home test & see where you land: …
Either way, you’re gonna want to prioritize optimizing your hormonal health, if you want to get your body in shape.
And if you want help implementing the lifestyle protocols necessary to increasing your T levels & optimizing your mental & physical health, schedule a quick 10 minute consult with me & we’ll create the game plan together: