Key to get awesome reviews and ratings for your hotel
A small tip to all hotel managers; the guests who are satisfied will never post a review, you need to ask them to post a "five" star one, and on the flip-side those unsatisfied will have a higher tendency to post a review, your role is to ask them for one offline and work on those paining points at your hotel.
Always tell the guest how important are these reviews for your hotel, tell them that these can make or break the hotel. When you see an unsatisfied guest ask them for a #feedback and assure them to improve on points thus suggested, politely ask them not to post a review on social platform, as it will decimate the efforts your team has made so far.
Leaving a few exceptions I have seen almost all agree to post and not to post.
Last but not the least, during their stay keep interacting with the guest, ask them if they require something and what can you do to make their stay more comfortable; show them that you are concerned.
Best of luck. Love and peace.
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