The key to the Future of Work
Bettina Schaller
Global World of Work Executive | President of World Employment Confederation | SVP Head Group Public Affairs at The Adecco Group | Labour Market Advocate and Activist
“So… what do you do..?” is one of the first questions that gets asked when meeting new people, as @ILO Director General @GuyRyder reminded all participants of the #FutureofWork Conference and Workshop hosted by the Singapore Government and Ministry of Manpower in these late days of April 2019.
That question, as trivial as it may be, carries all the importance of getting the discussions on the Future of Work right. Actually the answers to that question unlock the key to the FoW.
Provided there are such discussions. In a time where the agenda is loaded by an overflow of competing news items, events, real & virtual for and uncountable social media channels, tabling a topic and bringing interested and expert stakeholders around the same table is a merit per se. Which is why Conferences such as the one organised by the Singapore Officials are so important. The “who’s who” of Employment & Jobs across ASEAN was present – and among them “us”, select Representatives from global organizations, with a footprint and interest in the region.
Over the years, I have attended, participated in and shared views at many Conferences. Which is why I can say with confidence: this one was different. Actually: all the ones linked to the Centenary of the ILO and the Report by the Global Commissioners on the FoW are different. Something is in the air…
Why? Because of the sense of urgency, the positivism and the call for action.
The Call for action is reflected in the “human-centred agenda”*. Put people first. That formula con only be a winning one. On a personal level, a business level. But also for Governments. In the Policy context this means: Employment, Labour Market, Skills-related issues should be placed on top of the Country’s political priorities. Jobs are the n.1 campaign topic during election times. Our political Leaders need to hold that focus up once in office.
The sense of urgency is starting to transpire. Can we continue to apply the same thinking and frameworks to the World of Work, despite the major disruptions that have started to hit it? That would not only be a missed opportunity, it would be irresponsible. This is why this Centenary year is different: that message is coming out loud and clear – and it is being heard. Luck or fate that that Anniversary is taking place now? If you are convinced that coincidences don’t exist, you realize the historicity of the times we live in. It is #TimeToAct.
If we seize the momentum and pool forces to shape the Future of Work we want, the opportunities will prevail. That is cause for positivism. So is the driver to improve people’s life. Because if we act now, in a concerted way, we will move closer to addressing the inequalities, tackling the skills imbalances, diversifying our labour force, and extending access to social protection and benefits to more workers.
So what do I do? I am an active urgent positivist!
* The ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work has called on Governments to commit to a set of measures in order to address the challenges caused by unprecedented transformational change in the world of work. The Commission outlines a vision for a human-centred agenda that is based on investing in people’s capabilities, institutions of work and in decent and sustainable work