Key Focus Areas for the Competency-Based Application Form
First and foremost, to secure a Competency-based Interview, you need to have
completed and submitted a good Competency-based Application Form that
impresses ‘Interview Screeners’ and then the actual ‘Interview Board’. The
Application Form, when completed to the best it can be, makes for an easier
Interview gives you confidence before and during the interview and gives the
Interview Board confidence in you during the Interview.
Competency-based Application Forms are complex documents with various rules
and guidelines that need to be obeyed and followed by the applicant.
Some rules and guidelines include:
So, as you sit down to write examples to competencies in Competency-based
Application Forms, focus on the following:
Study the Job Description
The Job Description is the bible when it comes to completing Application Forms. One
would be amazed, how many candidates / applicants fail to look at it, and if they do,
they do not tailor their application around it. It is all about the organization and the
job you are applying for and every part of the Application Form needs to reflect this,
not just your examples.
Study the Competency Title Criteria
Every Job Description (or sometimes called ‘The Candidate Information Booklet’ in
the public sector) contains detailed information and explanations on what each
competency means and what needs to be demonstrated i.e., on-the-job experience,
skills and talents. Address, bring in, each key criteria statement(s) / words in your
Choose examples that are as recent as possible
Try to use examples to write about that occurred in the past one to three to five
years, if possible i.e., the most recent. They must meet the criteria of the
competency title and criteria. If there is an example(s) that best meet the
competency, however, they go back 10 years or so, then you could / should consider
using them.
Check for grammar and spelling
We are always told not to trust spell and grammar checks in Microsoft; however, they
have improved immensely now and do not miss much. It would be recommended
that you print your examples on paper and read and check them before submitting.
Follow their guidelines to a ‘T’
Most public sector organisations provide guidelines on how to develop, write and
complete examples of the competencies (as outlined above). You need to respect
and follow these. If you don’t, you could be disqualified before you get to the interview
stage, a stage that is first on the journey to secure a new job, a promotion or a career
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