Our product comes equipped with a range of key features designed to provide robust protection and proactive monitoring for your organization’s sensitive data.

Data breaches

Data breaches are on the rise! In the past year alone, major security breaches have compromised more than 1 billion users’ data. With our data breach alerting system, companies can keep tabs on potential threats to their data easily and securely.

Dark Web Monitoring

Welcome to the Dark Web, a subset of the Internet that you can only access using special software. If you have been following the news, you most likely know that hackers use it to steal large amounts of information and commit crimes. But, there is an upside. We have developed a new technology that monitors dark web activities and informs its clients of any illegal activities they are committing. Our product has been a huge success because it allows companies to get ahead of a potential crisis.

Spam Domain Tracking

Domain hijacking and spam has become a major problem, costing companies billions of dollars every year. In response, our team has developed a new service that monitors your domain and notifies you immediately when you are at risk. The tool is comprehensive and easy to use. Customers report that they are able to respond more quickly to domain hijackers, saving them money.

A glimpse about Cyber attacks

Cyber attacks are on the rise and it has become a global issue. In past few years, we witnessed an escalation in ransomware attacks and malware. We have to also keep a track on how hackers are finding new ways of attacking technology which might not be as secure as they would like them to be



