Key Features of the Online Fiscal System
Digital Tax Technologies
Trusted Global Tax Gap Advisor & Digital Solution Provider for Tax Administrations
By?Anatoly Gaverdovsky, Chairperson?and Founder, Digital Tax Technologies
Online Fiscal System
Implementation of online fiscalization?[1]?projects is a complex and challenging task, because they affect not only a considerable number of retail taxpayers but also their buyers—citizens of the country. Consequently, governments should entail complex efforts to achieve the project’s objectives, including reducing the share of the shadow economy and increasing a tax collections.
There is one simple fact: to deceive the system and not transfer data to the tax authorities, seller do not need to be a hacker. All he needs is just not to issue a fiscal receipt or simply not use a cash register.
Therefore, the creation of one centralized system for collecting fiscal data without proper enforcement on issuing valid fiscal receipts does not bring the desired impact. Instead, it may cause an additional burden for bona fide taxpayers who meet the requirements of the law.
The Structure of the Online Fiscal System
The online fiscal system is a complex organizational and technical initiative, which comprises the following key elements:
The Role of the Public Control
It is important to understand that the buyer’s motivation to demand a valid fiscal receipt is the basis for the success of the online fiscalization project. Otherwise, it is easy to deceive the tax administration system just by not issuing a fiscal receipt.
For the expensive and complex products and services the product return and warranty policies already support buyer’s motivation to ask for a receipt. Any others will require implementation of additional incentives, for example, if the person registers receipts in the tax application:
Tax administration platform will provide an open API for connecting third-party applications from the tax ecosystem members. Submitting receipt by authenticated tax application user confirms the purchase. Ecosystem participants may use this data with consumer consent to provide personalized cashback, promotions, prizes and other mechanics, which will drive consumers’ demand.
In addition, buyers can provide a tax administrations with the feedback on the retailers’ activities. Like a non-use of cash registers or failing to present a fiscal receipt.
[1]?Fiscalization?— is fiscal law designed to avoid retailer fraud. Fiscal law about cash registers has been introduced in countries to control the grey economy by enforcing all mandatory transaction reporting to the authorities. According to fiscal law, an appropriate fiscal receipt must be printed and given to the customer. Source:, URL:?
Online fiscalization?requires the fiscal data must be submitted to the tax administration either in the real time or within predefined timeframe, e.g., during 24h window.
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