The key
Since May we have been played all over the world. First there was a lockdown playing with deeprooted fears of illness and death in many people. Gave them the funny task to find out if this narrative is real or not. Good luck with this one. The Media went totally nuts 24 7. The only intersting question was left out by the MSM: is this is bioweapon? Is China attacking the US ? Does a vaccine change the DNS, whenever it will come to market? But of course the only thing in hell was:Fear and at the same time : stay a humble , hardworking individual ,obidient, low and so on.
Now the next nightmare comes to the collective. Some freedom of prostesting is misused to bring utter nonsense to the plate. Twisting and changing true suffering of individuals who are humilated all over the world for all kinds of reasons since thousand of years. I live in Germany at the moment, a country which was the country who brought an extra-amount of hell to the world. China and North- Korea are doing some of these things today to different people- but this is not discussed as a real threat. The spoiled and brainwashed youth of western countries is made to feel guilty instead for a history they do not even understand. Soros and friends are telling everyone to feel guilty for something.
Torture is still going on. The youth may protest against it. Isolation, Lockdown ect. are also a form of torture. Feeding lies is a form of tortue. Telling people that communism is a harmless ideology is doing harm to people.
Let us raise the vibration and being up to speed with the truth behind it. Let us investigate into the backround of things, of companys and foundations. Let us find out who wants to punish and eliminate civilization and free thinking as well as the innocence of love and childhood. A ruined childhood creates bad people . Ideologies which are invested into influencing children at an early age are also to be held responsible for doing so.
Have a good day and find your key. “The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.”
― Baruch Spinoza
thank you Laurent Boscherini
thank you Jo?l Equagoo?
Transport Specialist at Williamsport Sun-Gazette
4 年The only thing stronger then fear is hope. If you have no hope, then fear rules your life.
thank you Claus Reichel
thank you Ranjeet Jaiswal