The Key to Enterprise AI Solutions is ENGAGEMENT
Artificial Intelligence one of the most exciting advancements in technologies in recent years. It's adoption in everyday life can be seen all around us from helping us get to work, to engaging with our friends, and finding ourselves, kids, and pets in photos.
In the enterprise, the excitement and expectations of AI usually surpasses the results and value created. If the commercials for IBM’s Watson and articles published by press and leading analysts are to be believed, AI technologies creates an immediate game-changer performing everything from streamlining operational intelligent automation to delivering revenue growth by uncovering new opportunities. The promises of A.I. have driven more than 50% of CIOs in Fortune 500 companies towards planning high-value AI projects in the next year. Unfortunately successful endings to those efforts will be take on the characteristics of ignis fatuus.
State of Play: Enterprise AI
Today's landscape for Enterprise AI solutions takes on two different flavors: The first resembles the marketplace for enterprise business intelligence (BI) with the same companies and vendors rebranding their tools to have the word "AI" in it. These tools have incrementally improved, but it is still struggle as they are fundamentally flawed in that they are coded for some known rules-based process and/or interpreted process after the fact in the back office/business analyst group. These have limited uses for reporting or auditing purposes. The second approach looks an awful lot like a college-level computer science lab experiment, tinkering with consumer-based AI tools and gathering existing business information from a stagnant source, the company data warehouse. They quickly find that the data they have is too limited to create recognizable insight and fall back to creating reporting. Due to its limited value, much of this is never seen by the front line workforce or business users.
The Fallacy that Consumer AI can crossover to the Enterprise
Consumer AI is different than Enterprise AI and enterprises that venture into the AI-based projects thinking to capture the “magic” of Netflix, Amazon, & Facebook, will ultimately fail. The reasoning is that the enterprise doesn't have the volume and variability, of data (what we call Data Density) that a consumer application provider has. While Enterprises have terabytes of data, it tends to be from disparate, disaggregated sources. It also, tends to be non-federated and in most cases too stale for the purposes of AI transformation. Consumer AI also has tremendous amounts of data, but it also has users continually adding and interacting with said data at a SIGNIFICANTLY higher rate. This Data Density makes for a continually improving foundation for predictive machine learning solutions.
Our key finding is that if the application is not engaging (or useful) for the user, it will lead to stale information and poor data quality.
It is this last point that is the critical flaw to AI projects--causing the effort to be doomed to fail or result in underwhelming value and minimal impact to an organization.
The Missing Component-ENGAGEMENT
At Composite Apps, we recognized this challenge several years ago and incorporate highly intuitive, consumer-grade, USER ENGAGEMENT into all of our solutions. Our goal is to engage employees to interact with the application increasing the density of the data, we also layer in passive data sources such as IoT devices to further drive organic engagement,. Ultimately, the density of the data that is created will be an extremely effective fuel to Applied Intelligence applications. Using the above graphical representation of where we are today, let’s visualize adding engagement into the mix.
By adding an engaged user base, the enterprise value created by associates increases dramatically. This leads to better information, a greater level of data density, which then can be magnified by the incorporation of AI and machine learning. This then creates a continuously improving cycle of improved business information, associate engagement, and enterprise value.
The Solution
For over a decade, Composite Apps has worked with some of the largest enterprises in the world to create multi-application solutions that deliver tremendous increases in performance and enterprise value. This foundation seamless integrates with our current initiatives in cutting edge (and award winning) consumer grade user experience and artificial intelligence solutions to deliver the required technology to facilitate and enable the modern workforce.
Introducing the CURA Platform
A solution built from the ground up to help enterprises engage their workforce and inject machine learning technologies into their business process. This allows their workforce to directly train and improve their business processes during the course of normal business.
- Designed to Engage Employees -- An Engaged employee is a highly valuable asset to any commercial enterprise. Our virtual assistant intelligently adapts to the needs of individual employees ensuring adherence to critical path operations and supporting the accomplishment of personal and corporate objectives.
- Enterprise Visibility and Execution-- The CURA platform means never starting from scratch when creating a new project or initiative. Our solution leverages your historical enterprise data, standard operating procedures, and external data sets (such as 3rd party data feeds and regulatory requirements) to build success-focused plans. In addition, the CURA platform provides the ability to consistently improve operations and plans by observing events and actions, by monitoring variations and changes, by interacting with users and enterprise assets, and continuously discovering and validating better ways of doing things.
- Powered by Artificial Intelligence -- Everything we do, from employee engagement to the incorporation of industrial IoT, is to increase the density of our datasets which feeds our AI engine (Greater Data Density = More powerful Artificial Intelligence). We use an array of modern AI techniques from advanced statistical analysis to neural networks to identify patterns in our data sets to create smarter interventions and better plans.
This makes us different than current solutions sets and very complementary to other market offerings and prior IT investments.
Commercial-grade Virtual Assistant
Though our virtual assistant, integration with industrial IoT, and existing enterprise data sets, we are consistently increasing the density of our data during the course of business. This consistent stream of information coupled with the application of proven AI algorithms results in a powerful, easy to use solution that when combined with engaged associates and executives continually improves the enterprise value of an organization
Service Offerings
Our business is set up to provide our customer a frictionless approach to getting started, get adaption and demonstrate value in a short period of time. We have three primarily offerings:
- Business Blueprint-Rapidly outline value-driven opportunities and wireframe engagement-based intelligent solutions
- CURA Analytics- Intelligently aggregate current enterprise applications and data-sources into a smart reporting solution
- CURA Enterprise -Integrate current business operations with an intelligent modern application that engages and optimize the functions and reporting of workers, managers, and executives
Composite Apps = Committed Partner
Additionally, we are not merely a platform, we are a partner. To ensure CURA aligns to your ambition, scale, and complexity level, we will craft the right package of software, services and education. Our team of designers, data scientists, and technologists work together with your team using our tailored designed thinking process makes engagements productive and ultimately create positive growth for the modern enterprise.