The Key - Being A Perfectionist
What’s up for my very first post is a bit of personal philosophy mixed up with what I think pure logical reasoning and this is why I believe in it. Don’t expect some mambo jumbo “YOU CAN MAKE IT” or “YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT” motivational jabbering. I do not want to waste your time. Please, excuse my rude tone, but these words are meant to be honest and should also sound that way.
Every now and then, people are talking about that they had found THE KEY. The key to what exactly? Well, of course the key to life and all of its secrets. People are striving for perfection and they tend to seek very simple answers to very complicated questions.
What I have found out so far is - surprise! - that there is no single key. So stop being a perfectionist and live a happy life bla bla… cut the crap! Being a perfectionist should not be mixed up with being a stubborn idiot insisting in doing everything 100% losing sight for the bigger picture. Being a perfectionist means that you strive for the 100%, but you might very well be aware that you will not be able to achieve them. And that is the twist. Perfectionism is there to drive people to get the best out of them. That is the bigger picture. It is not an end, but a means to an end. It is always a moving target and that is the way it supposed to be. But doesn’t that mean a perfectionist will never be satisfied?
Let me re-phrase this for you. Les Brown once put it that way:
“Most people…they raise a family, they earn a living, and then they die. They stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, they stop pushing themselves.”
Striving for more and never being satisfied does not equal eternal frustration. The very opposite is the case! Striving to become more is what really drives us in life.
I believe that we are here, on this Earth, for a purpose. Every single one of us has a mission and it is simple:
Discover your full potential and serve the world by sharing it with others and empower them to do the same.
Yes, you got that right, it’s about serving. It’s about making this world a better place by making your personal contribution – whatever that might be...
What if I told you that there is no key, but there are actually many keys? In fact you can create yourself an entire key ring for most of life’s most difficult challenges. Along the way, on your quest to perfection, you will discover reoccurring patterns, problems that can all be addressed by the same methods. What you will eventually find out is that, once you view them from different angles, they are indeed the same.
What does that mean for you? Well, it means that most of your problems have already been solved by someone else, at some other point in time, maybe in some different area. And this reasoning should give you hope there indeed is a way to answer all of your questions in life, but it might take some time and patience to follow and really embrace this path.
This is just the beginning...
About me
Hi there, I am back. The world wide web had lost me for quite some time. I once had a website, long before blogs, Facebook, Instagram and whatever tools showoffs use these days. I wrote about software, movies, and all the stuff that moved a 15-year old nerdish boy. Times have changed, and today new topics are moving a mid-twenties guy. Some of them I would like to share with you.