The Key Advantages of In-House ID Card Printing
There’s no doubt about the reliability of security ID cards. As an affordable and durable system that’s trusted by government and private sector industries all over the world, you can rest assured that the safekeeping of your business is in good hands when you use a security ID card system.
In fact, if you currently manage a team of employees, the question shouldn’t be whether or not you should get a security ID printing system for your company but which one will best suit your needs.
Choosing Your Security ID Printing System
If you haven’t considered a security ID card printer for your office before, the first step that you need to take is to consult with us about the best prices on ID card printers and find out which system will work best for your company.
The type of security card printer that you require will depend on factors such as the amount of cards you need to print within one year, the type of security technology you desire to be present in your cards, and the computer system that you currently use. For example, if you operate a growing company that already employs a large number of employees, then you’ll probably need a high level zebra ID card printer that is capable of printing more the 5000 new ID cards in one year.
The Risk of Ordering ID Cards
While it is possible to order your company’s ID cards to be printed, that option takes much longer than if you are able to do it yourself. In order for your system to work properly, you need to ensure that every one of your new employees is equipped with their own ID card before gaining access to your location. This means that waiting on cards to be printed elsewhere could end up sacrificing precious working hours, or else jeopardize the security of your system.
Save Money on Card Replacement
Are your employees constantly misplacing the ID cards that they use to access your offices? Security ID cards can become expensive to order if you are constantly in need to replacement cards. Investing in your own security ID card printer is a better option, since you’ll only have to pay one initial cost and every time that a card need to be replaced, it will end up costing very little. You can also help to protect your cards and prevent losses when you provide your employees with name badge holders and lanyards.
High Resolution Photography
Taking a photo at the DMV might require a long wait, but it will never take long to create new ID cards at your business. That’s because security ID card printers are able to create a large amount of new cards in an extremely short time. All it takes is a quick digital photo that can be added to each employee’s new ID card.
The Right Time to Invest in Security
If you’re the owner of a new business, you may already be asking the question, “When is the right time for me to bring a professional security solution into play at my company?” In fact, if you’re not asking whether the time is right to buy a new system or upgrade the current security capabilities at your company, then chances are that you’re already at risk.
When you’re managing a thriving business you don’t have time to stop to order new ID cards for every new employee that you hire. Contact Avon Security Products to purchase a complete security ID card printing solution.