To understand Key #2 better, I need to share again part of the introduction. Laying aside the “Adam” factor, it is a scientific, medical fact that one of the things that accelerates the aging process is the drying of the marrow in our bones. Marrow is the soft, vascular tissue that fills the cavities of our bones and produces our red and white blood cells and platelets
According to the Bible the marrow in our bones is the innermost necessity to good health. The drying of this marrow is the major cause of getting old
I would like to share with you the second key that will slow down the drying of the marrow in our bones, and keep us from getting old before our time.
2. Key #2. Be a huger! Scientists have found that hugging releases oxytocin. Oxytocin is a feel-good hormone. It also decreases our level of the stress hormone, cortisol. Stress helps dry the marrow in our bones.
The other day at Falls Creek in Oklahoma at an evangelistic retreat, I gave an evangelist friend a great big hug and held the hug real tight for a few seconds and told him I loved him. He said, “I really needed that. Thanks.” He went on to say he was really down and discouraged. My friend had a broken spirit, and the big hug I gave him was better than any anti-depressant medicine. He smiled and said again, “Thanks!” His spirit was lifted by a hug. The Bible says, “A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the (marrow of our) bones,” Proverbs 17:22. Let’s learn to be a hugger.
Soon I will share Key #3.