About the Client:

An American Brand of Ketchup, a well-known and popular brand of tomato ketchup, especially in the United States has been a staple on American tables for many years. Known for its tangy flavor and thick consistency, ketchup also comes in other varieties, such as sugar-free, no salt added, and organic options. The XYZ Bros. Fruit Packing Co., founded in 1888, eventually expanded into producing tomato products, including ketchup. Today, the brand belongs to Congara Brands.

Current Challenges:

The company encountered several key challenges:

1.?Overwhelming Competition: The food and beverage industry, especially condiments, is highly competitive. An American Brand of Ketchup faced challenges differentiating itself from numerous competitors on social media platforms.?

2. Noise Reduction: The constant stream of content on social media had made it difficult for XYZ Ketchup's messages to stand out and be noticed.??

3.?Maintaining Relevance: Keeping up with evolving consumer trends and preferences had been challenging. An American Brand of Ketchup felt the need to adapt its social media strategy to cater to changing tastes and behaviors.?

4. Building Community: An American Brand of Ketchup felt the need to foster a strong. Engaging online community around the brand can be time-consuming and require consistent effort.?

SOLUTIONS delivered by Viacon:

1.?Creating Excitement: To create excitement and engagement around the brand, Viacon has devised several strategies like posting recipes made with An American Brand of Ketchup using the hashtag #MakeitwithXYZ.?

2.?Creating Engagement: Viacon has come with hashtags customized for the brand like #EngagewithXYZ to prompt the target audience to take a photo of the food with the An American Brand of Ketchup Bottle to get discounts.??

3.?Initiating Promotions: Through email marketing, Viacon has promoted the brand to the new subscribers, and potential customers with a discount on first order through their website.?

Result achieved:

1.?Creating a hype around the brand: Strategies with hashtags like #MakeItWithXYZ proved to be fruitful with customers sharing and posting recipes that is specially made with An American Brand of Ketchup prompting in better sales.??

2.?Better Relevance in the Market: Coming up with customized hashtags for the brand made it relevant amongst its target audience that mostly relate to viral contents, hashtags and making easy dishes with condiments like XYZ ketchup.?

3.?Creating a Community through Networking: The strategies like sharing recipes or cooking tips proved to be successful as they were relatable and helped in creating the brand’s loyal customer base.??

4.?Better Engagement: Through email marketing, Viacon has made the brand relevant. Strategies like sharing meal plans for subscribers or secret recipes to various fast foods have got the audience hooked to the brand making it stand out in the competitive marketplace.??



