The first line of our defense
Dear readers, recently I have been pondering this question, does the office of the district attorney care about what happens to us the citizens of Milwaukee? The answer is, to be honest of course they care! not only do they care, but they also all feel our pain in many ways, our loss, and sometimes our grief, in the correction department they receive all kinds of reports, ?mostly bad ones, burglary, murder, suicide, all kinds of crime done under God's heaven, it is enough to drive even a sane person mad, yet there is little relief for them, they are the ones to whom our problem resonate, and have to live with the burden until a conclusion of sorts is justify. after all, they have feelings just like the rest of us, no! it's not just a job for those brave souls.
I know and I have proof of that, I have been living in the city of Milwaukee for almost fifty years, and not once have I been contacted by the folks from the office of the district attorney, it seems obvious, that they are concentrating mostly on the lawbreakers, the ones who cause mayhem to our law-abiding citizen.
Some time ago I found myself an unfortunate victim, right in my living room I almost got shot, ?I did not know who they were. I was happy and felt proud, to have received a correspondence email from the office of the district attorney, offering me help, and peace of mind. Let me share my reply to this prestigious office, its staff, and its commanding chief.
Dear Mrs. Katherine, and all the other colleagues in the office, you work tirelessly daily to see that our law and order takes the presidency in dealing with injustice and that justice prevails. I am thankful for everything, indeed what this office does, is a labor of love. Knowing quite well that this office presides over hundreds of victims like me, I am just one of the unfortunate ones, having been caught in the crossfire of these blatant worthless shootings. One that could be avoided, if only the landlord of this particular property would stop renting out to shady characters.
Having read your correspondence, and the support offered to me, I consider myself truly blessed, I have not quite yet overcome the fear of congregating in my front room, every time I see the shattered glass and the bullet hole in my window, I am still traumatized, it is something that I will have to eventually work out by myself.
Allow me the privilege, to introduce to you my Neighbor's in my neighborhood, yes, they are law-abiding retired senior progressive citizens, and my thoughts and prayers are always towards their comfort and safety, it is a shame, to have come so close to being shot by newcomers, in this beautiful neighborhood. regardless of my misfortune to have suffered this loss, I have lived among my Neighbors for a very long time, and there has not been a single incident in the neighborhood, until the repeated March 7th shootings, the damages to my home set me back 6000.13 dollars, to which no one has compensated me that loss up till this present day.
If your office is willing and the budget is feasible, all I ask is to send the men in blue to patrol my neighborhood, at least once a day, it would be beneficial in deterring such blatant random shootings, which have been done, and have been repeated at this time in my neighborhood, they do so willfully and without fear of the law, they know full well, the time it takes for the police to arrive on the scene, I thank you for your service, regarding this crime, please don’t compromise! let the full force of the law rest on the guilty.
Kenvil Atkins Lewis / Magazine / Oui’ Mama. / Less Talk more action
We seldom get the chance to print something positive about that first line of our defense or to thank them for their benevolent service, so thank you very many people of the office of the district attorney.