Kent Harper - Actor, Writer, Producer of the film "Surveillance" directed by Jennifer Lynch and Executive Produced by David Lynch...
Bill Pullman and Julia Ormond in the film "Surveillance."

Kent Harper - Actor, Writer, Producer of the film "Surveillance" directed by Jennifer Lynch and Executive Produced by David Lynch...

Kent Harper - Actor, Writer, Producer of the film "Surveillance" directed by Jennifer Lynch and Executive Produced by David Lynch, starring Bill Pullman, Julia Ormond, Michael Ironside. French Stewart, Pell James - Official Selection at Cannes Film Festival 2009. And sending you all my best wishes in all your lives! New projects developing for film- #KentHarper #DavidLynch #movies #film #FrenchStewart #MichaelIronside #JenniferLynch #production #actors #directors #CannesFilmFestival #BillPullman #JuliaOrmond #PellJames #RyanSimpkins #SurveillanceMovie -

Shobanand Kondiparthi For High Experienced Candidates References Ask Me

Freelance Consultant, Predictive Analyst at Satwaji Consultancy

6 年

Kent Harper-Winner of Award Actor, Winner of Million Hearts



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