Kenorland Minerals Ltd. (KLD-V) Kenorland Minerals Provides 2023 Exploration Update
On May 10, 2023 Kenorland disclosed an update on its 2023 exploration activities covering multiple projects located across North America.?Kenorland’s 2023 activities should continue the significant advancements in exploration across the portfolio of projects in Québec, Ontario, Manitoba and Alaska. In addition, project generative efforts continue and Kenorland (‘KLD’) is well positioned to achieve continued success with a robust treasury of $18M. ?Remaining committed to responsible exploration practices, KLD’s total planned exploration expenditures on its properties is anticipated to be ~$33M, which includes ~$29M in exploration financed by partners such as Sumitomo, Newmont, Centerra and Antofagasta.
A summary of 2023 Summer-Fall exploration programs in Québec are the following:
Frotet Project (JV with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd): The 2023 Winter drill program of 13,360 m over 15 drill holes completed. Complete drill results are expected to be released towards Q3. The 2023 Summer exploration program is scheduled to commence in July and shall include up to 10,000m of diamond drilling. Frotet is advancing on several fronts (See:
Chebistuan Project (earn-in agreement with Newmont Corporation): A maiden 2,170m drill program with 7 drill holes has been completed at the Deux Orignaux target area.?Results from the drill program on the 159,690-ha property are expected to be released towards the end of Q2 (See:
O'Sullivan Project (earn-in agreement with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd): Completed detailed electromagnetic (EM), IP, and drone (UAV) magnetic surveys covering the Pusticamica North target area. Planned summer 2023 exploration work includes a lake sediment geochemical survey, detailed mapping and a regional airborne VTEM survey (See:
Chicobi Project (JV with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd): Land access and permitting is well underway for the next phase of sonic drilling (drill-for-till geochemical sampling) along the Roch-Can trend. Limited historical drilling and previously completed sonic drill holes have identified an alteration corridor spanning ~17 km in strike length and broadly associated with Au-Zn-Ag anomalism within the bedrock and glacial overburden. The 2 phase (summer and winter) sonic drill-for-till program is planned to commence in Q3 (See:
Hunter Project (earn-in agreement with a subsidiary of Centerra Gold): Follow-up sonic drill program is expected to commence during Q3 (See:
A summary of 2023 Summer-Fall exploration programs in Ontario are the following:
South Uchi Project: Following the termination of the earn-in agreement with Barrick Gold Corp., planning for the next phase of exploration at the 100% owned South Uchi Project is well underway (See: Priority target areas for follow-up exploration include a significant large-scale and high-tenor coincident Ni-Cu-Co glacial till geochemical anomaly along with multiple discrete Li-Cs-Ta (LCT) geochemical targets. Future exploration shall focus on the discovery of both nickel-copper sulphide systems as well as lithium bearing pegmatite systems.
Separation Rapids Project:?In 2022, KLD completed a regional till geochemical survey, focused on LCT pegmatite systems, covering a large portion of the 46,362-ha property. Results from the 1,183 till samples collected identified three priority target areas defined by anomalous and coincident lithium and cesium in till. A detailed follow-up geochemical survey and prospecting, covering all 3 priority target areas, is planned for this summer. The Separation Rapids Project is currently held under an option agreement with Double O Seven Mining Ltd., a private B.C. corporation (See:
Western Ontario Portfolio: KLD recently acquired, through map staking, 3 new project areas in western Ontario collectively covering 182,239 ha (46,347 ha Flora Project and the 58,536 ha West Wabigoon Project in the Western Wabigoon sub-province, and the 77,356 ha Quetico Project spanning the Western Wabigoon, Quetico and Marmion sub-provinces). These projects all cover vast areas of prospective Archean greenstone belts with relatively low exploration maturity and are generally concealed by glacial overburden. Detailed compilation and digitization of historical exploration data is underway along with community engagement and planning for the initial phases of exploration.
A summary of 2023 Summer-Fall exploration programs in Alaska are the following:
Tanacross Project (earn-in agreement with Antofagasta Minerals S.A): Recently approved 2023 exploration budget and program includes 4,500m of diamond drilling scheduled to commence in June. (See:
Healy Project, (JV with Newmont Corporation): Planning an ELF-EM survey covering the kilometer-scale Healy gold system during the summer in order to refine drill targets for future exploration. (See:
Recent Generative Activities
Muskayk Project, Manitoba: In November 2022, KLD staked 300 mining claims covering 39,522 ha in the Rusty Lake Greenstone Belt (RLGB) of Manitoba. The RLGB hosts the 70Mt Ruttan VMS deposit with historical production of 1.5Mlbs of copper and 1.7Mlbs of zinc. The RLGB has seen very limited modern exploration and no significant large-scale geochemical surveys. Given the low exploration maturity and proven endowment, the Muskayk Project compliments KLD’s existing exploration portfolio. Community engagement is currently underway along with planning for an initial regional geochemical survey.
South Thompson Project, Manitoba: KLD has applied for mineral exploration licences covering 383,704 ha along the southern extension of the Thompson Nickel Belt (TNB), which is largely covered by Phanerozoic cover sequences. Compilation and digitization of historical exploration data, including 300 drillholes, has been completed. Evaluation and interpretation of historical geophysical surveys, including airborne magnetics and electromagnetic surveys are underway. Further integration and interrogation of these datasets shall be used for targeting and planning follow-up exploration including diamond drilling.
Critical Minerals Portfolio: Over the last 2 years, KLD has assembled a portfolio of 3 projects focused on critical minerals including REE and Niobium in Canada.
i) 41,951-ha Omineca Project is located 350km north of the Wicheeda REE deposit in British Columbia.
ii) 12,119-ha Torrance Project is located in the Kapuskasing Structural Zone in eastern Ontario and covers an interpreted and untested alkaline ring complex, prospective for carbonatite related rare earth and niobium mineralisation.
iii) 91,123-ha Saguenay Project is located in the Saguenay region of Québec near the Niobec and Crevier niobium deposits. Detailed compilation, digitization, and program planning is underway at each of these project areas.
Kenorland takes a long-term approach with multiple grassroots projects total nearly 1.6M ha being advanced through the pipeline at all times.?Depending on how projects fit within the risk profile, certain projects are sole funded, while others are farmed out, or sold entirely for equity and royalty interests. Kenorland remains a true prospector-generator mineral exploration company focussed on advancing quality early-stage exploration plays in North America.
See also:
UPDATE - November 16, 2023:
Kenorland Minerals Provides 2023 Exploration Update
On November 15, 2023 Kenorland disclosed an update on its 2023 exploration activities covering multiple projects located across North America and highlighting advancements on key projects located in Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, and Alaska. Several projects are held under agreements with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd. ("Sumitomo"), Newmont Corporation ("Newmont"), Centerra Gold Inc. ("Centerra"), and Antofagasta Minerals ("Antofagasta"). Kenorland’s 2023-2024 activities should continue the significant advancements in exploration across a robust portfolio of projects. The total updated forecast for exploration expenditures on properties in which Kenorland holds direct or royalty interests is anticipated to be ~$31.4M in 2023, which includes up to $26.4Min exploration financed by its partners. In addition, project generative efforts continue and Kenorland is very well positioned to achieve continued success with a robust treasury of $24M. ?Forecasted 2023 revenue, including management fees and cash payments is ~$3.2M. ?Kenorland holds equity positions of ~$4.7M in various private and publicly listed companies generated by past property transactions. Kenorland is truly a blue-chip prospector-generator that offers up side to discovery and development but also limited downside risk.
2023 Exploration Update -Québec:
Frotet Project, north-central Québec (80/20 JV with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd): Drill results from the 2023 Winter Program were announced on May 31 ( and August 8, 2023 ( highlighting the discovery of multiple new vein structures in the deepest parts of the Regnault gold system, including the R10 and R11 structures which returned 55.7 g/t Au over 1.20m from 23RDD159 as well as 2.56 g/t Au over 41.85m including 11.96 g/t Au over 4.45m from 23RDD172. The 2023 Fall exploration program commenced in mid September 2023 (see: This current program shall include up to 11,300m of drilling at the Regnault gold discovery as well as a large-scale surface geochemical program covering targets directly to the east of Regnault. Drilling is expected to conclude by December 2023 with assays reported towards the end of the year and into early next year. The ~56,000 ha Frotet Project is held under joint venture with Sumitomo. (See:
Chebistuan Project, north-central Québec (earn-in agreement with Newmont Corporation): In the first quarter, Kenorland completed a 2,170m, 7-hole maiden diamond drill program at the Deux Orignaux target area. Drilling returned 0.41 g/t Au over 157.20m including 0.97 g/t Au over 20.61m from hole 23DODD005 highlighting the new discovery of an intrusion related gold system (see: This target area was defined by gold and pathfinder element anomalism in glacial overburden identified from multiple phases of systematic geochemical surveys, beginning with a regional program in 2021 covering the entire 159,690 ha property. A follow-up drill program has been planned for early 2024, pending final approval from Newmont.
O'Sullivan Project, central Québec (earn-in agreement with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd): After completing detailed electromagnetic ("EM"), induced polarisation ("IP"), and drone magnetic surveys covering the Pusticamica North target area, Kenorland completed a large-scale lake sediment geochemical survey, detailed mapping and a regional airborne versatile time domain electromagnetic ("VTEM") survey on the ~27,700 ha property. The geophysical and geochemical surveys, which cover a coherent gold-in-till anomaly along the northern shore of Lac Pusticamica associated with strong deformation along a major felsic intrusive-volcanic contact, shall assist in future drill targeting. Planning for a maiden drill program in 2024 is underway, subject to final approval from Sumitomo. (See:
Chicobi Project, Abitibi, Québec (51/49 JV with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd): The summer phase of sonic overburden drilling ("drill-for-till"), including 55 sonic drill holes to sample glacial till beneath extensive glacial lake sediment cover, has been completed along the Roch-Can trend on the 51,257 ha property. The Roch-Can trend is located along a major 1st-order structure within the Chicobi Deformation Zone which transects the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Limited historical drilling and previously completed sonic drill holes have identified an alteration corridor spanning 17 km in strike length and broadly associated with Au-Zn-Ag anomalism within the bedrock and glacial overburden. Kenorland expects the winter phase of sonic drilling to be completed in Q1 2024, which shall include up to 75 sonic drill holes. (See:
Hunter Project, Abitibi, Québec (earn-in agreement with a subsidiary of Centerra Gold): ?Kenorland completed a detailed drone magnetic survey in April 2023, following an initial property-wide VTEM survey (1110 line-km) flown in 2021 and a property-wide drill-for-till sonic program, completed in 2022. Efforts are now focused on land access and permitting in preparation for a follow-up detailed sonic drill program covering priority target areas identified from the initial regional program and magnetic survey. A follow-up detailed sonic drill program on the 18,177 ha property is expected to commence early 2024, pending required permits and final approval from Centerra. ?(See:
2023 Exploration Update - Ontario:
South Uchi Project, SW Ontario: Kenorland recently completed a number of large-scale geochemical and prospecting surveys targeting gold, nickel-copper, and lithium mineral systems across the 83,385 ha project area. 2,786 fine fraction B horizon till samples, 740 heavy mineral concentrate samples, and 486 rock samples have been collected. Kenorland anticipates reporting results from this campaign in early 2024 (see: The South Uchi Project is 100% owned by Kenorland
Separation Rapids Project, SW Ontario:? Following the 2022 regional till geochemical survey, covering a large portion of the 46,362 ha property, Kenorland completed a detailed follow-up till geochemical survey in summer 2023. The detailed surveys which included 2,440 fine fraction till samples and 119 heavy mineral concentrate till samples, prospecting and mapping, covered 3 priority target areas identified by anomalous and coincident lithium and cesium in glacial till. The Separation Rapids Project is currently held under an option agreement with Double O Seven Mining Ltd., a private B.C. corporation (see:
Kenorland recently acquired, through map staking, 3new project areas in south western Ontario collectively covering 184,214 ha (the 46,777 ha Flora Project and the 58,866 ha West Wabigoon Project in the Western Wabigoon sub-province, and the 78,571 ha Algoman Project spanning the Western Wabigoon, Quetico and Marmion sub-provinces). These projects all cover vast areas of prospective Archean greenstone belts with relatively low exploration maturity and are generally concealed by glacial overburden. Along with the completion of detailed compilation and digitization of historical exploration data, Kenorland flew LiDAR surveys covering each property to assist with detailed surficial mapping. Community engagement and planning for the initial phases of exploration is underway.
2023 Exploration Update - Alaska:
Tanacross Project (earn-in agreement with Antofagasta Minerals S.A): Kenorland completed 2,541m of diamond drilling (planned 4,500m) covering the West Taurus and East Taurus target areas. Two drill holes were completed at West Taurus as large step-outs to test for concealed mineralisation, targeting geophysical and geochemical anomalies. The holes encountered variably altered and mineralised intrusions, however, did not return any economically significant intervals. At East Taurus, another two holes were completed stepping out along strike on the east and west flanks of the target area. Drill hole 23ETD062, completed across the eastern extent of East Taurus returned 186.1m at 0.14% Cu, 0.02% Mo, 0.05 g/t Au including 40.1m at 0.19% Cu, 0.04% Mo, 0.09 g/t Au hanging wall to a late mineral granodiorite intrusion. The South Taurus target area, one of several priority targets, remains untested along with the McCord Zone, Big Creek and East Denison targets. (See:
Healy Project, (JV with Newmont Corporation): Kenorland completed an extremely low frequency electromagnetic ("ELF-EM") survey covering the kilometer-scale Healy gold system during the summer in order to refine drill targets for future exploration. (See:
Recent Generative Activities
South Thompson Project, Manitoba: Kenorland has been granted mineral exploration licences covering 297,674 ha along the southern extension of the Thompson Nickel Belt, which is largely covered by Phanerozoic cover sequences. Compilation and digitization of historical exploration data, including 300 drillholes, has been completed along with re-processing of historical airborne magnetics and electromagnetic surveys. Further integration and interrogation of these datasets will be used for targeting and planning follow-up exploration, including more modern airborne EM surveys, which have not been completed over a large portion of the project area.
Critical Minerals Portfolio: Recall, Kenorland has assembled, over the last 2 years, a portfolio of projects focused on critical minerals including rare earth elements ("REE") and niobium (Nb).
The 43,593 ha (was 41,951-ha) Omineca Project is located 350km north of the Wicheeda REE deposit in British Columbia. Kenorland flew a 4,650 line-km magnetics and radiometric survey in August 2023.
The 12,127 ha (was 12,119-ha) Torrance Project is located along the Kapuskasing Structural Zone in eastern Ontario and covers an interpreted and untested alkaline ring complex, prospective for carbonatite-related rare earth and niobium mineralisation. An additional airborne magnetic survey is planned for Torrance in early 2024.
The 91,107 ha Saguenay Project is located in the Saguenay region of Québec near the Niobec and Crevier niobium deposits (see: Results of detailed compilation, digitization, and program planning are perhaps underway in an area that has seen limited exploration compared to the James Bay to the NW.
Kenorland continues to take a long-term approach with multiple grassroots projects totalling ~1.6M ha being advanced through the pipeline at all times.? Depending on how projects fit within the risk profile, certain projects are sole funded, while others are farmed out, or sold entirely for equity and royalty interests. Kenorland remains a true prospector-generator mineral exploration company focussed on advancing quality early-stage exploration plays in North America with strong partners and has shown a track record of successful grass-root discovery.
?Important Disclosures
Kenorland Minerals Ltd. ???????? ??????????????? ??
B???????????? The Mining Analyst, in his own account or in a family related account, owns securities in excess of 10,000 shares of the issued and outstanding equity securities of this issuer.
V ??????????? The Mining Analyst has visited material operations of this issuer, namely the Frotet project in August 2021. ?
R???????????? This issuer has indirectly paid the Mining Analyst.
Mining Analyst Certification
I, éric Lemieux, Mining Analyst, hereby certify that the comments and opinions expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject and the issuer.
UPDATE - January 18, 2024:
Kenorland expands portfolio in the western Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario.
Kenorland announced on January 18, 2024, that it has entered into 2 option agreements to acquire a 100% interest in the Stormy Project and the Goldstorm Project located within the Western Wabigoon geologic subprovince of Ontario, Canada.? Recall on November 15, 2023 Kenorland had disclosed an update on its 2023 exploration activities covering multiple projects located across North America (key projects located in Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, and Alaska) and disclosed that it had acquired, through map staking, 3 new project areas in south western Ontario collectively covering 184,214 ha. ?The newly optioned land package, covering 25,400 ha of ground, compliments Kenorland's 100% owned projects located in Western Ontario, specifically the 46,777 ha Flora Project and the 58,866 ha West Wabigoon Project in the Western Wabigoon sub-province, and the 78,571 ha Algoman Project spanning the Western Wabigoon, Quetico and Marmion sub-provinces.
Buying a strategic land package for exploration: The terms of the option agreements are to acquire a 100% interest in the optioned Stormy and Goldstorm Projects by making a series of cash payments and issuances of common shares of the over a 3-year and 4-year period that total $310,000 and $950,00 respectively. Both projects have Kenorland grant a 1.5% NSR royalty with a 0.5% buyback provision, for $1M in cash. Total expenditures of $1,260,000 (<$50/ha) are contrary to the usual prospector-generator model but quite manageable for Kenorland.
Good regional geology: The Flora Project, the Western Wabigoon Project and the Algoman Project cover several regional scale structures within the Western Wabigoon and Marmion Subprovinces. ?In addition to the prospective geology, Kenorland believes that these project areas, totaling now 210,700 ha, are under-explored and is planning a number of large-scale systematic regional geochemical surveys to be completed during the 2024 summer field season. The consolidated land package encompasses ~40km strike length of the Mosher Bay-Washeibemaga Deformation Zone (MBWDZ), a major, crustal scale east-trending deformation zone within the Western Wabigoon Subprovince. The MBWDZ is marked by the syn-orogenic, Timiskaming-like polymictic conglomerate to coarse sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Stormy Lake group, that juxtaposes older mafic volcanic rocks of the Boyer Lake group to the north and the Wapageisi group to the south.
Zach Flood, President and CEO of Kenorland Minerals, stated: "We're very excited to grow our already expansive exploration footprint in Western Ontario. We're currently planning large-scale systematic geochemical and prospecting surveys across all of our projects in the region for the upcoming summer field season. This approach is in-line with Kenorland's broader exploration strategy of pursuing new discoveries in areas we believe are under-explored".
Kenorland continues to take a long-term approach with multiple grassroots projects advancing at different levels: ?Kenorland remains focussed on advancing quality early-stage exploration plays in North America with strong partners and has shown a track record of successful grass-root discovery. Kenorland is truly a blue-chip prospector-generator that offers up side to discovery and development but also limited downside risk.
See also:
UPDATE - March 28, 2024:
Kenorland announces termination of Tanacross Project earn-in agreement with Antofagasta PLC and highlights exploration upside at South Taurus.
On March 28, 2024, Kenorland announced that Antofagasta PLC has terminated the Tanacross earn-in option to joint venture agreement dated July 19, 2022. Recall Kenorland had announced on April 26, 2023 an exploration program and budget at the Tanacross Project (see: and on July 20, 2022,? the earn-in agreement with Antofagasta Minerals S.A., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Antofagasta PLC (ANTO: LSE), for the Tanacross copper-gold Project (see:? The Tanacross Project is located in eastern Alaska, 80 km to the NE of Tok, near the Yukon-Alaska border. The property can be accessed by fixed wing aircraft to several gravel airstrips or by a winter access road connected to the Taylor Highway near the town of Tok.
Widespread hydrothermal alteration and notable occurrences of porphyry style mineralisation endure: Kenorland remains the 100% owner of the Tanacross Project, covering 46,173 ha of prospective ground in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, located in Eastern Alaska, USA. Under the previous Antofagasta option agreement, Kenorland completed surface geochemical and geophysical surveys consisting of 800 infill soil samples along with detailed IP and MT surveys covering the West Taurus-McCord Creek-East Taurus trend, as well as detailed extremely low frequency electromagnetics (ELF-EM) and ground gravity surveys over the South Taurus anomaly. Over 2,541m of diamond drilling covering the West Taurus and East Taurus target areas were completed.? At West Taurus, 2 drill holes were completed as large step-outs to investigate for concealed mineralisation, targeting geophysical and geochemical anomalies. The holes encountered variably altered and mineralised intrusions, however, did not return any economically significant intervals. At East Taurus, another 2 holes were completed stepping out along strike on the east and west flanks of the target area. Drill hole 23ETD062, completed across the eastern extent of East Taurus returned 174.22m at 0.14% Cu, 0.02% Mo, 0.05 g/t Au (including 40.10m at 0.19% Cu, 0.04% Mo, 0.09 g/t Au). Positioned as hanging wall to a late mineral granodiorite intrusion, the East Taurus area, remains a priority target. The South Taurus target area, one of the Kenorland's priority targets, remains untested along with the McCord Creek, Big Creek and East Denison targets.
South Taurus a prime target with exploration upside: The South Taurus target was initially identified from a property-wide audio-frequency magnetic technique (AFMAG) ZTEM survey flown in 2018. The survey highlighted a large-scale magnetic and highly conductive geophysical anomaly a few kilometres to the south of the known porphyry Cu-Au-Mo-Ag and Mo systems at East Taurus and West Taurus, respectively. In 2020, Kenorland completed a systematic soil geochemical grid covering South Taurus as well as East Taurus, West Taurus, and McCord Creek targets. It also completed a TITAN induced polarisation (IP) and magnetotellurics (MT) survey extending 5km across the South Taurus anomaly. This survey imaged a large and discrete near surface conductivity anomaly that also extends to the depth extent of the survey, over 5 km below surface, which could represent a significant deep-rooted mineralising-fluid pathway. The geochemical survey highlighted widespread soil anomalism over the anomaly including copper as well as a broad suite of elements indicative of a high level or distal porphyry environment. Surface bedrock geology within the target area has been mapped as non-magnetic quartz-mica-schist, which does not explain the large coincident magnetic and highly conductive anomalies imaged by the geophysical surveys. Alteration assemblages of quartz-garnet-epidote and amphibole-pyrrhotite have been noted, indicating reactive host rocks that may be concealing an unroofed mineralised center at depth. The South Taurus target is ready for drill-testing and Kenorland is actively exploring partnership opportunities for a future drill program.
Zach Flood, President and CEO stated: "We greatly appreciate the efforts made by Antofagasta to advance the Tanacross Project with us over the last two years. During that period, we have refined a number of new drill targets generated from additional geophysical and geochemical surveys, some of these targets remain completely untested. The drill program last summer was focused on East Taurus and West Taurus, which are the known mineralised porphyry centers where the majority of historical drilling has occurred. Kenorland's focus moving forward will be targets which remain completely untested, including South Taurus, which shows strong evidence for a concealed copper system".
Top quality prospector-generator: Kenorland is a mineral exploration company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, focused on early to advanced stage exploration in North America. It remains active in the Québec Abitibi with, among other, 3 projects being advanced under earn-in agreements from third parties such as Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Ltd for the O'Sullivan [Au] Project, Newmont Corporation for the Chebistuan [Au] Project and Centerra Gold for the Hunter [Au] Project. ?In Alaska, Kenorland holds as well as a 70% interest in the Healy Project, held under JV with Newmont Corporation and the Chicobi [Au] Project in Québec is held under JV with Sumitomo. ?Kenorland owns 100% interest in the South Uchi Ontario [Au]; Western Wabigoon Ontario [Au]; Flora Ontario [Au]; Algoman Ontario [Au]; Muskayk Manitoba [Au]; Rox British Columbia [Au]; Settee Saskatchewan [Au]; South Thompson Manitoba [Ni]; Osik Manitoba [Ni]; Omineca British Columbia [REE]; Torrance Ontario [REE]; Saguenay Quebec [REE]; Wabissane Quebec [Li] and Tanacross Alaska [Cu]. Kenorland holds a 4% NSR royalty on the Frotet Project of Sumitomo (see:
Mining & Exploration Analytics
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