Kenney Administration Progress Report: Our investments in education
City of Philadelphia
Serving the people of Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection.
Throughout his two terms as mayor, Jim Kenney has consistently acted on his belief in the importance of public education not only as a means to give children a chance to achieve their full potential but also as a central pillar of the fight against generational poverty.
The City’s progress in public education over the last eight years – achieved in partnership with City Council – is a testament to Mayor Kenney’s commitment to improving the lives of young Philadelphians through a holistic approach centered on historic investments in early education, robust resources and activities for students and families, and post-secondary access.?
If education is a measure of success for any government, then the numbers tell the story of Philadelphia’s progress over the last eight years:
Returning our schools to local control
No less important than the public investment in education has been the mayor’s reimagining of local school governance and the partnership between the School District and the City of Philadelphia. Mayor Kenney’s vision for local control is simple: They are all our children. With this ethos, the administration has set the stage for stronger, seamless collaboration in the interest of students’ safety, health, academic opportunity, and lifelong success.
In tandem with the City’s investments, Mayor Kenney sought and won legislative support in Harrisburg to dissolve the state-run School Reform Commission. In its place, the City assumed local control of public schools with the creation in 2018 of the nine-member Board of Education, which has since worked to increase public engagement and build partnerships to provide additional support for students and their families.
Stronger, seamless collaboration to benefit students
In January 2020, the City announced the creation of the Office of Children and Families (OCF) to strengthen its commitment to children and coordinate the operation of multiple agencies and departments to maximize service delivery to children and families in need. OCF administers an education budget of more than $82.4 million that includes PHLpreK and Community Schools.? OCF also oversees the Department of Human Services (DHS), which funds Out-of-School Time (OST) and youth workforce programs. The OCF portfolio has continued to grow to include Philadelphia Parks and Recreation and the Free Library of Philadelphia.?
Expansion of OST initiative
Thanks to the growing partnership between the School District and OCF, the City and District are more closely aligned on programs that maximize opportunities for Philadelphia’s students to reach their potential. Key among these is the successful expansion of the OST initiative, led by OCF, which provides expanded out-of-school learning opportunities for students. Funding for OST “seats” is commensurate with the needs of individual neighborhoods, targeting increased funding where the need is greatest.?
OST programs provide a variety of opportunities for children and young adults to access enriched learning experiences ranging from summer camps and other recreational activities to programs that build literacy, college preparedness, and workforce opportunities. OST programming reaches approximately 6,000 children each summer and 7,000 children each school year. This year it will operate 136 different OST programs and 132 different sites citywide. The City’s OST budget has risen from $21 million in Fiscal Year 2017 to a projected $42 million in Fiscal Year 2024.
Integrated behavioral health support for students
The Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) and Community Behavioral Health (CBH) have developed a significant partnership with the School District to provide prevention and treatment to students within the schools. The partnership includes in-school programs and external support for students, parents, teachers, and other school community members. These include:??
The game-changing Philadelphia Beverage Tax
The signature achievement of the Kenney administration was the passage, with the overwhelming support of City Council, of the historic Philadelphia Beverage Tax in 2016. Despite intense pressure from a deep-pocketed beverage industry lobbying effort, the Beverage Tax has raised over $483 million for the key educational and community improvement initiatives of the City.
Contrary to the claims of beverage tax opponents, recent research shows that the Beverage Tax has been far more economically equitable than predicted. A 2022 University of Washington study concluded that in the three biggest cities that have enacted sweetened beverage taxes, – Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Seattle, – “there was a positive net transfer of funds from the higher-income population to the lower-income population. Specifically, we found a net transfer towards the lower-income population of $16.4 million in Philadelphia, $6.3 million in Seattle, and $5.3 million in San Francisco.”[3]??
Enabling the expansion of quality pre-K
In 2015, more than half of Philadelphia’s three- and four-year-old children lacked access to affordable quality pre-K. Not surprisingly, these children often began school behind their peers and without the social, emotional, and literacy skills to succeed academically.
The passage of the Beverage Tax radically altered this reality through the launch of PHLpreK. By prioritizing funding for eligible programs in neighborhoods with a high prevalence of childhood poverty, the program gives these children a boost by improving their readiness to start school, which in turn improves school attendance and bolsters the academic foundation upon which their school years will be built.
At the same, the program’s benefits have extended far beyond the classroom. Since its inception, PHLpreK has improved families’ economic independence by allowing stay-at-home parents to increase their working hours and/or resume their own education instead of staying home to care for their young children. In addition, PHLpreK has allowed qualified pre-K providers – a majority of which are owned by women and minorities – to grow their businesses and employ more teachers and staff. More than 500 new teachers have been hired to support the program since 2017, and 62 percent of PHLpreK-funded centers are self-reported MWDBE.
Making Community Schools and Rebuild possible
The Beverage Tax also underwrote the development of the Community Schools program, focused on using the 20 participating schools as a center for engaging parents, families, and neighbors as full participants in the education of their children. And not least, the Beverage Tax is supporting up to $288 million in borrowing to fund the Rebuild program, charged with the renovation and modernization of 72 parks, libraries, and recreation centers in neighborhoods all across the city. [2]
Supporting students and families during the pandemic
By early 2020, the City’s historic investments in public education–made in partnership with City Council and having earned the support of both the Board of Education and the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers–were returning significant dividends.?
But the combination of the global pandemic and an escalating economic recession led to a seismic shift in cities and classrooms all across America, including Philadelphia.
The pandemic created urgent new educational and humanitarian priorities for children and families, and the City responded in a heroic fashion. Virtually overnight, schools were closed and families remained at home. Under the leadership of OCF, the City immediately mobilized to lead an emergency food response that included multiple ways for children and families to obtain free food. Partnering with the School District, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Philabundance, and Share, the City set up 80 youth meal sites in neighborhoods with demonstrated need, including Community Schools and a network of 77 Access Centers created to provide safe places for an estimated 3,000 children to continue their schooling online during the pandemic.?
By the end of 2022, the Community School sites had distributed more than one million pounds of free nutritious food to children and families in need.? And nearly 3,000 students – almost 60 percent of whom were Black children – had enrolled in the Access Centers by the time the Centers “sunset” just prior to the return of in-person learning in September 2021.
And while there is no question that learning suffered during the pandemic, the City’s efforts through these and other initiatives – including the phenomenally successful PHLConnectED partnership with local businesses that helped close the digital divide with free internet access to more than 23,000 households during the pandemic – demonstrated Philadelphia’s commitment to public education in a time of crisis.
Today, just three years after the pandemic turned the world upside down, city schools are on the road to full recovery, and evidence points to the return of the progress interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
It will take years to fully determine the impact of the City’s historic investments in public education, particularly in light of the devastating impact of the pandemic, but the indicators all trend positive:
In assessing the scores, Schools Superintendent Dr. Tony Watlington noted: “We know that we have a long way to go, but we certainly believe this is promising data, that nearly all areas K-8 saw increases. We’re moving in the right direction.”[5]
Maintaining our momentum
To build on the progress of the last eight years in public education, it is important that the next mayor and City Council:
[1] Mayor’s Budget Address, March 2, 2023.
[2] Rebuild will be the focus of a separate report in the coming weeks.
[3] Jessica C. Jones-Smith et. al, “Sweetened beverage taxes: Economic benefits and costs according to household income,” University of Washington (2022).
[4] Maier, A., Daniel, J., Oakes, J., & Lam, L. (2017). Community Schools as an Effective School Improvement Strategy: A Review of the Evidence. Learning Policy Institute. ; Olson, L. S., A First Look at Community Schools in Baltimore, Baltimore, Md.: Baltimore Education Research Consortium, December 2014. As of October 18, 2019: ; Johnston, William R., John Engberg, Isaac M. Opper, Lisa Sontag-Padilla, and Lea Xenakis, Illustrating the Promise of Community Schools: An Assessment of the Impact of the New York City Community Schools Initiative, RAND Corporation, RR-3245-NYCCEO, 2020. As of March 2, 2023:
[5] Graham, K., “Philly students’ math scores are up. So is enrollment. Here’s a beginning-of-the-year Philly report card,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 09/25/23.
Master of Public Administration with a passion for impact and innovation. Economics Master’s & PhD student
1 年This is great especially in the context of Raj Chetty and James Heckman’s work on early childhood development on the Pareto proficiency and upward mobility, also in the context of neighbourhoods effect on early childhood development and upward mobility. Keep up the good work!