(Kenneth Golden's) Report on Forbidden Knowledge that Many Churches, Officials, and Biblical Teachers Suppress Continuously

(Kenneth Golden's) Report on Forbidden Knowledge that Many Churches, Officials, and Biblical Teachers Suppress Continuously

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Below is a four-item concept that you must realize before consuming this entire communication.


Also, There are Two Very Informative Videos at The End of This Communication Named Video One and Video Two. These Two Videos Will Bring Clarification to All Printed Material on This Page.





(First concept)

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit existed outside of time and space in Eternity, before the world was created.

Then "The Word / Son of God" created Time and Space, while living in Eternity.

(Second concept)

The Angels were created before the Heavens and Earth were created.

They watched and marveled in awe as they watched the universe's creation.

(Third concept)

"The Elect" or Human Soles were also created at this time. According to the Bible, God chose the elect before time and creation.

The book of Ephesians in the New Testament states that God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world and that we should be holy and blameless before him.

The elect did not obtain flesh bodies until mankind was made in the image of God, during the second Earth age.

This elect's creation is said to take place “before the foundation of the world” John 17:24; 1 Pet. 1:20).

That is, God’s choice in the elect occurred before time and creation, emphasizing that this choice was based on God’s sovereign purpose, not human merits.

(Fourth concept)

All-knowing God, or omniscient God, is the principle that God knows everything, past, present, and future.

Because God exists outside of time and space; God has an intimate understanding of us, even before He brought us into existence.




The concept of the "Three Earth Ages" is a theological interpretation that some individuals use to understand certain passages in the Bible, particularly about creation and the history of the Earth.

It's important to note that this interpretation is not universally accepted by all mankind, and views on this topic can vary widely.

The idea of the Three Earth Ages is often derived from passages in the Bible, such as those in the book of Genesis and other prophetic or apocalyptic texts.

Proponents of this interpretation suggest that there were three distinct ages or periods in Earth's history:

The first age reflects before the fall of Satan, the second age corresponds to the current Earth, and a future third age is associated with a restored Earth or a heavenly kingdom.

It's crucial to understand that mainstream Christian theology does not universally endorse the Three Earth Ages interpretation.

Many Christian denominations and scholars interpret these biblical passages differently, emphasizing the importance of careful exegesis and considering the historical and cultural context in which the texts were written.

As for the idea that churches suppress this information, it's essential to recognize that theological perspectives can differ widely among denominations, and what may be emphasized or taught in one community may not be the same in another.

It's not accurate to make a broad generalization that all churches suppress information about the Three Earth Ages.

Different denominations prioritize different theological doctrines, and beliefs about the end times, creation, and the nature of God's plan can vary.

Some may choose not to focus on speculative interpretations that are not widely accepted, while others might incorporate such ideas into their teachings.

When exploring theological concepts, it's crucial to approach the subject with an open mind, recognizing the diversity of beliefs within the Christian faith and the importance of respectful dialogue and interpretation.

Additionally, discussions around theological interpretations should be approached with humility, acknowledging the complexity and mystery often inherent in matters of faith.

Understanding the Three Earth Ages and Pre-destiny in Judaism and Christianity Many people in Judaism and Christianity are unaware of the concept of the three Earth Ages mentioned in religious texts.

This blog post aims to shed light on this topic and explore the significance of pre-destiny in religious teachings.

Lack of Awareness:

When it comes to understanding the concept of earth ages, there is a significant lack of awareness among the general population.

Most people are only familiar with the current flesh age, which is the time we are currently living in.

This Lack of Knowledge:

Knowledge about the other Earth ages has resulted in a limited understanding of the bigger picture.

One of the key elements that is often overlooked is Satan's rebellion in the first earth age. This rebellion played a crucial role in shaping the course of history, yet many people are completely unaware of it.

Without knowledge of this rebellion, it becomes difficult to comprehend the full extent of the spiritual battle that is ongoing.

Furthermore, many individuals are unaware of the purpose of the first and third earth ages.

Each earth age has a unique role in the overall plan of creation, and understanding these purposes is essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the divine plan.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of awareness, this vital knowledge remains hidden from many.

One of the contributing factors to the lack of knowledge about Earth's ages is the difficulties in translation and understanding of original languages.

The texts that discuss Earth's ages often require in-depth study and interpretation.

However, various translation challenges and limitations in understanding the original languages have made it more challenging for the wider population to access this information accurately.

Finally, the topic of the three earth ages is often considered taboo by some religious institutions.

While many churches strive to provide comprehensive teachings, some may shy away from discussing the concept of earth ages due to its complexity or avoidance of controversial subjects.

As a result, individuals attending these churches may miss out on valuable knowledge regarding the earth's ages.

The lack of awareness surrounding Earth's ages is a significant issue that hinders a comprehensive understanding of the spiritual journey. To gain a deeper understanding of our existence, it is crucial to explore the concept of earth ages and their significance.

By overcoming the challenges of translation, embracing the study of original languages, and encouraging open discussions in religious institutions, we can bridge the gap in awareness and gain a more profound understanding of the divine plan.

Controversy and Division:

When it comes to discussions about the age of the earth and the origins of life, controversy and division often arise. This is particularly evident in the clash between religious beliefs and scientific evidence.

The Bible's writings about the earth ages are often overlooked or misunderstood, leading to debates and disagreements that can create a rift between different groups.

Let's delve into the reasons behind this controversy and the divisive nature of these topics.

Belief in a Young Earth Despite Scientific Evidence:

One of the main sources of contention is the belief in a young earth held by some religious groups, despite overwhelming scientific evidence suggesting otherwise.

Many religious texts, including the Bible, provide accounts of creation that are interpreted literally by some believers. They perceive the earth to be no older than a few thousand years.

However, scientific data, such as radiometric dating and geological evidence, consistently point to an earth that is approximately 4.5 billion years old.

This conflict between religious doctrine and scientific findings creates a divide between those who adhere strictly to their faith and those who accept scientific consensus.

Ignorance of These Topics Causing a Divide:

Another factor contributing to the controversy and division is the lack of understanding and knowledge about these topics.

Many individuals, both within religious and scientific communities, may hold strong opinions without truly comprehending the complexities involved.

It is essential to recognize that scientific theories and religious beliefs can coexist and are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

However, without a willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue and educate ourselves about these subjects, the divide will persist.

Scientists Clinging to Alternative Theories Due to Lack of Understanding:

While the religious community may be criticized for disregarding scientific evidence, some scientists are also guilty of clinging to alternative theories due to a lack of understanding or prejudices.

It is human nature to resist change, and it can be challenging for scientists to abandon long-held beliefs in favor of new ideas and evidence.

It is crucial for scientists to maintain an open mind and continually reevaluate their theories based on discoveries.

This willingness to adapt and embrace change is essential for scientific progress and the pursuit of knowledge.

Assumption of Humans and Apes Being Part of the Same Family Not Based on Factual Evidence

Another point of contention is the assumption that humans and apes are part of the same evolutionary family.

While there is substantial evidence supporting the theory of common ancestry, it is important to recognize that this is not an absolute truth.

The scientific community continues to investigate and refine this theory, as new evidence emerges.

It is essential to base our arguments and discussions on factual evidence rather than assumptions or personal biases. By focusing on scientific data and engaging in respectful and intellectually honest conversations, we can foster a more constructive dialogue.

The controversy and division surrounding topics related to the age of the earth and the origins of life stem from a variety of factors, including differing religious beliefs, a lack of understanding, and a reluctance to embrace new ideas. By promoting open-mindedness, education, and respectful discourse, we can bridge the gap between the faithful and scientific communities, leading to a more unified and enlightened society.

Exploring Predestiny:

Predestiny is a concept that is mentioned in the New Testament and holds significant theological importance.

It refers to the belief that before the foundation of the world, God chooses certain individuals to be recipients of His grace and salvation.

This divine selection is not based on any merit or action of the chosen ones but solely on God's sovereign will and purpose.

Being predestined means being specifically chosen by God to experience His mercy, love, and eternal life.

It is a divine privilege and a testament to God's boundless and unconditional love for His creation.

This concept is beautifully woven into the fabric of Christian belief, as it emphasizes God's sovereignty and His intimate involvement in the lives of His people.

The chosen ones are called according to God's purpose. This means that there is a divine plan and a specific role assigned to each individual who has been predestined.

It goes beyond mere chance or coincidence; it is a calling that aligns with God's ultimate plan for the redemption and restoration of humanity.

The story of Jacob and Esau in the Old Testament provides a clear example of destiny.

In Genesis 25, it is revealed that even before Jacob and Esau were born, God had already chosen Jacob to carry the covenant promise.

This decision was not based on their actions or righteousness but solely on God's divine will.

Despite Jacob's deceitful nature, God's predestined plan prevailed, and Jacob became the ancestor of the Israelite nation.

Predestiny determines one's role in fulfilling God's will in this earth age:

Each individual who has been predestined has a specific purpose and calling to bring about God's plan and fulfill His purposes on Earth.

This means that every aspect of one's life, including talents, experiences, and even challenges, is intricately connected to God's sovereign plan.

Understanding destiny can assure believers that their salvation is secure and that God has a divine purpose for their lives.

However, it can also raise questions about human free will and the role of personal agency.

While pre-destiny may seem mysterious and complex, it ultimately points to the sovereignty and wisdom of God.

In conclusion, pre-destiny is a fascinating and profound concept that is firmly rooted in the New Testament.

It highlights God's sovereign will and the divine selection of individuals for His redemptive plan.

It serves as a reminder of God's unfailing love and His involvement in the lives of His chosen ones.

Understanding predestiny can deepen one's appreciation for God's grace and providence, as well as inspire a greater sense of purpose and devotion in fulfilling His will in this earth age.

Purpose of the Flesh Age:

The flesh age is a unique and pivotal period in our journey as souls. It offers us the opportunity to choose between good and evil, to learn and grow, and to ultimately be born again in the spirit, comforting and challenging:

It assures believers that their salvation is secure and that God has a divine purpose for their lives.

However, it can also raise questions about human free will and the role of personal agency.

While pre-destiny may seem mysterious and complex, it ultimately points to the sovereignty and wisdom of God.

In conclusion, pre-destiny is a fascinating and profound concept that is firmly rooted in the New Testament.

It highlights God's sovereign will and the divine selection of individuals for His redemptive plan.

It serves as a reminder of God's unfailing love and His involvement in the lives of His chosen ones.

Understanding predestiny can deepen one's appreciation for God's grace and providence, as well as inspire a greater sense of purpose and devotion in fulfilling His will in this earth age.

Purpose of the Flesh Age:

The flesh age is a unique and pivotal period in our journey as souls. It offers us the opportunity to choose between good and evil, to learn and grow, and to ultimately be born again in the spirit.

This blog post aims to explore the profound purpose behind the existence of the flesh age and the significance it holds in our eternal destiny.

Opportunity to Choose Between Good and Evil:

One of the primary purposes of the Flesh Age is to provide us with the opportunity to choose between good and evil.

In this earthly realm, we are faced with various temptations and trials that test our character and moral values.

This ability to exercise free will and make choices is a fundamental part of our spiritual growth.

It is through these choices that we learn and evolve, developing the qualities and virtues necessary for higher levels of existence.

Being Born Again in the Spirit:

The flesh age serves as a transformative phase in which we have the potential to be born again in the spirit.

By embracing the teachings of love, compassion, and truth, we can transcend our earthly desires and attachments.

This spiritual rebirth brings about a profound transformation in our consciousness, enabling us to connect with our divine essence and elevate our souls to higher realms of existence.

Flesh Age as a Choice Between Good and Evil, Loss and Death:

The Flesh Age is characterized by the constant interplay between good and evil, loss and death.

It is through the contrast and duality of these experiences that we gain a deeper understanding of our nature and the consequences of our actions.

The challenges and hardships we face during this time allow us to develop resilience, empathy, and a sense of personal responsibility.

They remind us of the impermanence of earthly life and the need to prioritize spiritual growth and inner transformation.

Loss of Loved Ones as a Dress Rehearsal for Eternal Loss

One of the most profound aspects of the Flesh Age is the experience of losing loved ones.

The pain and sorrow that accompany such losses serve as a dress rehearsal for the eternal loss that may occur if we do not choose the path of righteousness.

This poignant reminder of our mortality and the transient nature of human relationships inspires us to reflect on the priorities and values we hold dear.

It prompts us to seek spiritual truth and strive for a life of purpose and meaning.

Souls Cast into Hell are Permanently Destroyed:

In some religious beliefs, it is held that souls who persistently choose evil and reject the opportunity for redemption may be cast into hell, where they are permanently destroyed.

This doctrine underscores the significance of the choices we make during the flesh age.

It emphasizes the importance of aligning our actions with moral and ethical principles and highlights the potential consequences of straying from the path of righteousness.

In conclusion, the purpose of the flesh age lies in its ability to provide us with a unique opportunity to choose between good and evil, to be born again in the spirit, and to learn valuable lessons through loss and hardship.

It challenges us to confront our moral compass and encourages us to prioritize spiritual growth and inner transformation.

By understanding and embracing the profound purpose of the flesh age, we can navigate through life with a sense of purpose and make conscious choices that shape our eternal destiny.

The Three Earth Ages and Satan's Rebellion:

Satan's rebellion in heaven and his system on earth. Satan, once known as Lucifer, was one of the highest-ranking angels in heaven.

However, his pride and desire for power led him to rebel against God. This rebellion took place before the creation of the physical world as we know it today.

Satan, along with a third of the angels, was cast out of heaven and banished to the earth.

Fallen angels who corrupted God's children:

These fallen angels, also known as demons, descended upon the earth after their expulsion from heaven.

Their main objective was to corrupt and deceive mankind, who were God's children.

They taught humanity evil practices and led them astray from God's commandments. The result was the spread of wickedness and sin throughout the earth.

Earth becoming void and without form after Satan's rebellion

After Satan's rebellion, the earth underwent a massive change. It became void and without form, a desolate place.

This was a consequence of God's judgment upon Satan and his rebellion.

The once beautiful and flourishing earth was now a desolation, reflecting the chaos and darkness that Satan had brought upon it.

Possible connection between God's anger and the extinction of dinosaurs

Some theologians and scientists propose a possible connection between God's anger towards Satan's rebellion and the extinction of dinosaurs.

They suggest that the catastrophic events that led to the demise of these ancient creatures could be a result of God's judgment upon the earth after Satan's rebellion.

While this theory is speculative, it highlights the potential consequences of rebellion against God.

The Third Earth Age described in the Book of Revelation:

The book of Revelation in the Bible provides insights into the future and the final Earth Age.

It describes a period when Satan will be bound for a thousand years, during which the earth will be restored and governed by Jesus Christ.

This Third Earth Age will be a time of righteousness and peace, completely free from the influence of Satan and his rebellion.

In summary, Satan's rebellion in heaven had profound consequences not only for the spiritual realm but also for the physical world.

It led to the corruption of mankind by fallen angels, the desolation of the earth, and potentially catastrophic events such as the extinction of dinosaurs.

However, the book of Revelation reminds us that a future Earth Age awaits, where Satan's rebellion will be finally overcome, and a new era of righteousness and peace will be established.

The Complete Picture:

To truly understand the Bible and its teachings, it is important to read the entire book.

Many people may only read select passages or focus on specific books, but this approach can limit their understanding and prevent them from gaining a complete picture of God's word.

Importance of reading the entire Bible:

Reading the entire Bible allows us to see the full scope of God's plan for humanity.

It reveals the story of creation, the fall of humanity, and God's plan for redemption through Jesus Christ.

By reading the entire Bible, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of God's character, his promises, and his instructions for living a fulfilling and righteous life.

Comparing the Bible to a puzzle:

The Bible can be compared to a puzzle, with each book and verse contributing to the larger picture. Just as a puzzle may have different pieces that seem unrelated at first, the various books and passages of the Bible may appear disconnected.

However, by reading the entire Bible, we can start connecting the pieces and see the coherent message that God wants to convey.

The Bible as a test and strategy by God:

God designed the Bible as a test and strategy for his people. It serves as a guide for navigating life's challenges, providing wisdom and direction.

By carefully studying and applying the teachings of the Bible, we can align ourselves with God's will and experience the blessings and protection that come from following his instructions.

Seeking the truth for oneself:

Reading the entire Bible allows individuals to seek the truth for themselves. Rather than relying solely on the interpretations of others, we can personally explore the scriptures to develop our understanding of God's word.

This personal exploration helps to deepen our faith and empowers us to defend our beliefs.

Examples of following after Satan in this Earth age:

The Bible provides examples of individuals who have chosen to follow Satan rather than God during this earthly existence.

These stories serve as warnings and cautionary tales, illustrating the consequences of turning away from God's truth.

By studying these examples, we can recognize the dangers of following our desires or the devil's deception and strive to stay faithful to God.

Narcissism and Self-Centeredness:

In today's society, the influence of narcissism and self-centeredness is becoming increasingly prevalent.

People are more focused on themselves and their own needs, often at the expense of others.

This behavior can be seen in various aspects of life, from personal relationships and social interactions to the political landscape.

One contributing factor to the rise of narcissism and self-centeredness is the government's attempt to remove God from society.

As religious values and beliefs are marginalized, individuals are left without a moral compass and are more inclined to prioritize their desires above anything else.

This erosion of religious principles has led to a society that is increasingly self-absorbed and focused on instant gratification.

However, it is important to recognize the detrimental effects of narcissism and self-centeredness on individuals and society as a whole.

When people are solely focused on their own needs and desires, they neglect the needs of others, leading to a breakdown in relationships and a lack of empathy and compassion.

This can create a toxic environment where individuals are driven by selfish motivations and lack a sense of community.

One way to counteract the influence of narcissism and self-centeredness is through studying and seeking counsel from God's word.

The Bible guides how to live a selfless and compassionate life, focusing on the needs of others rather than just our own.

It teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to prioritize serving others.

By regularly studying and meditating on scripture, we can develop a deeper understanding of the values and principles that will counteract narcissistic tendencies.

The wisdom and teachings found in God's word can help us overcome our self-centeredness and cultivate a spirit of humility and generosity.

Additionally, seeking counsel from God through prayer can provide us with the guidance and strength we need to resist the pull of narcissism and self-centeredness.

When we turn to God, we acknowledge our dependence on Him and invite His wisdom and perspective into our lives.

Through prayer, we can ask for the ability to love and serve others selflessly, and to resist the temptations of selfishness.




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