Kennedy-Find Time to Say Thanks! Rudy Red; Winter Tips; Willie Count My Blessing
We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” - John F. Kennedy As #Thanksgiving week begins, we want to tell you all how thankful we are for your support every single day of the year.
One of our volunteers, Jeff, and a black Labrador ambassador dog, visited West Hempstead High School to receive a donation of $1,000 that the students raised by selling American flags for their Field of Honor
It's easy for us to find our #MondayMotivation when we watch this clip of a woman tearing up as she meets her VetDogs #servicedog for the first time. Close to two years of hard work goes into the making of this moment, and we couldn't do it without our incredible volunteers
HappyThanksgiving from America's VetDogs!
Today is #WorldFreedomDay, and we want to thank everyone who has served in our Armed Forces to protect our freedom. VetDogs is proud to serve members from every branch of the military. Black Labrador service dog jumping up to kiss his veteran.
Winter Tips: Here are some important tips to remember as colder weather settles in for the season. 1. Don't leave your dog outside in the cold for long periods of time. Be attentive to your dog's body temperature, and limit its time outdoors. 2. Keep your dog warm, dry and away from drafts. Tiles and uncarpeted areas may become extremely cold, so make sure to place blankets and pads on floors in these areas
Rudy is wearing a red holiday sweater and is sitting in the grass on campus.