The Kennedy Conspiracy; part one

The Kennedy Conspiracy; part one

Please let me share a story idea I once had – and how my Sister in Law was able to help me:

Back in the 1990’s NBC had a TV show on called “Quantum Leap”. Set in ten years in the future, with, for example, 1991 being 2001, the Sci Fi show had American scientists inventing a type of time machine. This allowed them to send one scientist’s “soul” (for want of a better way to describe what happened each week) back in time up to about 50 years.

For the fiction of the show, this scientist *could* affect history – but, with one exception, the show never even tried to make a real positive difference to society --- though that WAS the show’s basic premise.

My episode would have changed all that. Let’s call my episode “Tomorrow was Yesterday” AKA “March 30, 2001” and "November 2, 1963"

My plot was seemingly simple: the scientist would go back in time to 1963, and prevent President Kennedy from being shot.

A one hour Network TV show has from 47 to 51 minutes of actual footage, after commercials.

How could I fill so much time? So far, my episode is only about 5 minutes long.

I now need to explain more about my idea, and how my sister in law gave me needed advice…

For the fiction of the show, scientists could not actually send a man back in time; instead, they exchanged ‘souls’ with another man back in time…

So the Star of the Show, an actor named Scott Bakula, would look to everyone back in time to be exactly like the man who existed back then; even looking?& sounding just like the man in the past. He would, however, retain his own memories and motivations.

So here is more of my idea:

Scott Bakula would ‘be’ a man named Abraham Bolden – the first black Secret Service agent on the White House Staff. Hand selected by JFK himself, this would be literally the perfect person to pretend to be --- Since his job was to protect the President from being shot, no one would think to question him if he actually did stop the shooting.

Now you see that I only have about ? hour of material… How could I fill all available time?

Here is where my Sister in Law helped me:

Remember that, for the fiction of the show, ‘present day’ was the year 1999.

What about events in 2 years in their future? (The future of the future)

What, I wondered, would America be like in the year 2001? Could I fit that vision into my episode?

My Sister in Law said that she could help me, and she showed me a photo she just took (in 1991) of an Army General named Colon Powell. What if he became President in 2000, and was sworn-in in 2001?

*Perfect* !

No one knows what happens if you?really?do change history, and I had to ‘sidestep’ this question for my episode…

But,?if?JFK was not shot, many Bills to advance minorities might not have been passed.

After all, President Johnson was only able to push through these types of Laws because he could say he was finishing the vision of JFK; without this motivation, some in Congress would never have voted for the legislation.

I needed the real Colon Powell to play himself as President; if the White House Oval Office scene was filmed in B&W, with a black man and a white President, it was set in 1963; if in full color of a white scientist and a black President, it was set in the [then] future world of the year 2001.

I still have my time travel paradox to deal with; I now have to say that you probably do not believe as I do regarding the real motivation behind world events...

So just pretend that this is just a silly Sci Fi TV show idea…

The scientist in our [1991] future would be arguing with President Powell that, since he?can?do so, he was?obligated?to change history for the better…

President Powell reminded the scientist that he would not have just been elected if JFK was not shot 38 years earlier…

Powell even asks the scientist – since he *did* already change history long ago, how is it that he was not ‘erased’ from what is then ‘present’ day events?

Powell then expresses his sadness he felt that day in November, 1963, after learning that JFK was shot. He say he would OK with changing history - *if* that could be done without affecting the civil rights improvements that lead him to be the first black President.

He then says that every American remembers where he was when he heard that Kennedy was shot in Chicago on Saturday, November 2nd…

BUT WAIT, says scientist Bakula. Since he ‘exists’ in both 1963 .and. 2001, he knows Kennedy was not shot until Nov. 22nd – in Dallas, TX…

Scientist and President now realize *both* histories ARE true: Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden DID save Kennedy’s life when he was to be shot in Chicago on Nov. 2nd, but, sadly - and necessarily, JFK was still shot in Dallas 3 weeks later.

There would be a parallel scene in 1963 where Agent Bolden begs Kennedy not to go to Dallas. Kennedy wisely says that he was elected by the people to make America better; he cannot be so fearful of death that he avoids difficult situations.

JFK would repeat what he *actually* said in real life: that the Secret Service cannot fully protect him if some sick man shots at him with a rifle from the top of a building, BUT (good advice for me, too) he cannot allow his life and his actions to be controlled by fear.

I leave as a puzzle how I was able to come up with this episode since I have no creativity or imagination.

Thank you for reading my post about my story idea, and about how my sister-in-law helped me or creativity.

PS (1):?In 1991, my research found that the TV Show’s Creator / Producer, Donald P. Bellisario, did not believe in a JFK conspiracy, so I could never tell him that, as you have probably guessed, my show is based on a?TRUE?story.

PS (2):?the show would air on NBC. IF I could get the Producer to OK it, I would then have to calm down NBC executives - and remind them that my episode was just silly Sci Fi; America would *never* really have a black President – even, say, in the [then] distant future year of 2008.

PS (3): In 2016 there is a new science fiction time travel TV show on the air, titled "Timeless" --- it?does?deal with changing American history, BUT, so far, it does?not question WHY history could not be made "better", nor does it question the REAL motivation behind why past events have happened...

As an example, the show had an episode about the Lincoln assassination, but (1) they supposedly had to allow the assassination to occur, and (2), they did not question why ALL the top US Government cabinet (NOT just President Lincoln) WERE, in real life, targeted for elimination.

The show's plot is that one lone agent is single-handedly responsible for all the bad changes to our alleged history. This man's view, knowledge and motivations about changing the past are all unknown - so far…

The JFK Assassination and the Media;

A Special Panel Discussion; Thursday, October 17, 2013

Coverup theories on JFK assassination explored at Duquesne University

44 Years After JFK's Death, New Assassination Plot Revealed

3 weeks before Dallas, Feds uncovered plot to kill JFK in Chicago, says agent.

By?CHUCK GOUDIE, WLS-TV - February 6, 2009

Nov. 22, 2007 — -- A former Secret Service agent has told WLS-TV there was a plot to kill President Kennedy in Chicago three weeks before he was assassinated in Dallas.

Kennedy was murdered on Nov. 22, 1963. Today is the 44th anniversary of JFK's assassination.

Lee Harvey Oswald would never have had the chance to kill Kennedy in Dallas, had an assassination plot in Chicago succeeded three weeks earlier, a plot that has been mentioned over the years.

Kennedy was due to arrive in Chicago the morning of Nov. 2 to attend the Army-Air Force football game at Soldier Field and ride in a parade. Newspapers had even printed JFK's detailed travel plan from O'Hare airport to the Loop.

Although police were preparing to line the motorcade route, Secret Service officials in Chicago were deeply troubled about the visit because of two secret threats.

Right-wing radical and Kennedy denouncer Thomas Vallee had arranged to be off work for JFK's visit; Vallee, an expert marksman, was arrested with an M1 rifle, a handgun and 3,000 rounds of ammo. But then there was the phone call to federal agents from a motel manager concerning what she'd seen in a room rented by two Cuban nationals.

"Had seen lying on the bed several automatic rifles with telescopic sights, with an outline of the route that President Kennedy was supposed to take in Chicago that would bring him past that building," said former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden.

Bolden, 72, of Chicago, was a young agent in 1963. After a few years as an Illinois state trooper, Bolden joined he Secret Service and was invited by Kennedy onto the prestigious White House detail. He was the first black agent assigned to protect a president.

Bolden recalled how agents bungled surveillance of those two suspected Cuban hit men. They disappeared and were never identified.

"No one was sent to the room to fingerprint it or get an ID. The case was lost and that was the end of it," Bolden said.

On Nov. 2, the president was about to leave the White House for Chicago and Bolden says a Cuban murder squad here was unaccounted for.

"The morning of the game, the special agent in charge of the Chicago office called the White House and recommended the president cancel his trip to Chicago," Bolden said.

News reports stated that Kennedy didn't show because he was ill or because of a diplomatic crisis. Official investigations of JFK never determined why the president canceled Chicago Nov. 2. But in his first interview in 44 years, Bolden said JFK stayed away because of an imminent threat.

Bolden said the president didn't come to Chicago because he was basically waved off by the Secret Service, and it wasn't because he had a cold.

At anniversary of JFK’s assassination, VOC man recalls military service with Oswald7?min read - 2020 post

Abraham Bolden

Abraham Bolden: Ex-Secret Service agent pardoned by President Biden

Biden pardons Chicagoan Abraham Bolden, first Black Secret Service agent on White House detail

Bolden “has steadfastly maintained his innocence, arguing that he was targeted for prosecution in retaliation for exposing unprofessional and racist behavior within the U.S. Secret Service,” the White House said.

By??Lynn Sweet???Apr 26, 2022, 9:30am EST

Dr. Cyril Wecht on President Kennedy's Assassination & the "Magic Bullet Theory"

[now retired Allegheny County, PA Coroner; he has a PhD, MD and a JD (!)]

Long story short, Dr. Wecht voluntarily testified under oath before Congress that the theory of one "magic" bullet causing extensive damage during the assignation of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963 was not credible...

This means at least 4 shots were fired at JFK that sad day, and that means more than one man was firing a rifle; by definition, this makes the case a conspiracy.

Since President John F. Kennedy's 1963 murder in Dallas, medical examiner and lawyer Dr. Cyril Wecht was initially inclined to accept the official theory that one person alone was responsible for the crime. But as Wecht delved into the evidence with boundless curiosity and unprecedented access, he came to understand that America had, instead, suffered a coup d'état at the hands of rogue elements within our own government. Nobody else has Wecht's up-close and personal experience in uncovering the facts behind this assassination--and now he is sharing it with the world...

2025 JFK Files; "full" Disclosure (?)

No 'smoking guns' included in this [allegedly] 100% full disclosure?

1963 JFK assassination in Dallas – only one "lone nut gunman"?


The Senate Select Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy. (1977)

Actual evidence of numerous other plots - yes - with separate secret teams – and “patsy’s”

Chicago; Tampa; Miami; Phoenix…


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