If Ken can do it we all can.
Mark Aiston
Serious About Getting FREE media? Welcome to the ultimate PR training! Online Course. JUST $49.00 Learn how to grow your media presence, and boost your business visibility. Visit markaistonmedia.com to get started.
One of my pet hates is untidiness on camera. Please if you are going to wear a tie whilst doing a national television interview, please make sure the bloody thing is done up.
Or take it off. But make sure it is one or the other. When there are distractions like this, it simply means people are looking at your tie rather than listening to what you are saying.
Make sure you are fully prepared for your media appearance.
For a bloody good media training deal simply click on the image below and you'll be redirected to my contact page.
#television #camera #radio #bowtie #mediatraining#mediaeducation