Is Keith Bennett on Far Rough clough?

The fact is Myra Hindley duped most people but not me. Her ability to hoodwink included all who thought she was a victim, a care giver, a Catholic, a grieving 15 year old over a 13 year old boy, and a few months later this would be engaging with a minor. I find that sick as Michael Higgins drowning was to have many question marks never addressed by GMP after she was arrested. Leslie Anne Downey was a vulnerable child who she predated at a fun fair and drove to HER house with her grandmother removed for the purpose for the rape, torture and murder recorded on tape that led to her arrest. But the act continued when Brady revealed two more to Fred Harrison who wrote Genesis of the Moors that changed her style to the artful academic romantic novelist that later fell apart. Rev Timms in the National Archives revealed he did the diagram of Wessenden annotated in the Manchester Evening News of October as caption on Leslie Anne Downey burial site on the left side of John Kilbride nearly 1/4 mile away from the mile post layby stated it was there wrongly. As I try and recover from this two day hosted visit on 25/26 July to Greenfield reservoir only possible with my carers and Journey Care full booked assistance, and of Rachel Fish who made sure I had full support to reach places my disability would not allow, I am praying for God to step in after my incredulous sight of what still shakes me we saw with walkers a rock so visible it was invisible. Brady said he put a rock over Keith Bennett with those nice office brogues and office attire. Myra Hindley on this day should have been fixed on the date Michael Higgins drowned in a reservoir so why go to one shown on her photos with sandals on and no stockings? But no one noticed that as Myra and Ian played on their own infamy by luring in the only story to make the Perfect Murder. But one Myra chose as date and age, and sex of this third victim that looked like the brother of Pauline Reade. What other anniversary dates fit the capture by her in HER car, or van of kidnapped local children a driver would see by living in the same streets and local trips with granny Maybury? I am on blood thinners and had a mini Tia in 2020 and am diabetic so I think of the mamoth effort 76 year old Winnie Johnson did searching for the son Myra Hindley took in her van to his death in a reservoir view as before. It will be 12 years on Sunday since she died on the 18th. I am 77 on the 18th of September and outlived many who searched. I never thought I would be able to assist Rachel Fish and feared I would be a casualty. But we both over two days supported each other in aims and objectives, and finding a rock that appeared as we walked along embedded in biomass of alluvial sediment in a syncline of geological slopes of the gulley of Far Rough clough were far from where we thought it would be as to up high like John Kilbride. We aimed to compare the geometric shape of Ravenstones Brow seen when we were in the A635 above. Only by finding stones by Massheder directed by Mounsey did can you find Keith Bennett, as logic says the ground on this side is an avalanche zone the farmer explained as sheep plummet over the abyss on his land to the waterboard road. It shows red sandstone on this escarpment. Imagine where Myra then got free lamb chops prior to her taking passing her driving test? 'Emperor with no clothes' on dismissing the obvious comes to mind as she manipulated even GMP who spent over a million on her deceptions. When will logic step in as we do not want another author to market his book using the same story she told that is of Wessenden being the place that fits distorting the fact they pose in town clothes and shoes above Hollin Brown Knoll defined by her van pointing back to Greenfield? Below is the exact fit. This disabled RAF veteran, which I am, needed more compassion than a sensation seeker, and many before him that police spent resources on. Is that because I am an academic woman then that is dismissed as a crank that searched for Keith as my health and location allowed after my MSc in 2008? A poppy should mean something should it not? The fact is we as Rachel Fish of Greenfield with a couple we saw before reaching this point saw it too on their return back. I have written to Andy Burnham and APCC Kate Green as FOUR people saw at the same time a feature police missed. Brady said in National Archives he put ONE rock over Keith. One lone rock stood out we did not know was Far Rough clough till I saw the Map of the features to record It 360° on video commentary. It has been there like the wall that is seen to be a distance away. Both are on the land of Chris Crowther. Upperwood House above to the left..

How coincidental WHITE strands adhered to the trowel like fronds of wool inches down the basalt rock that are the same colour as the white synthetic leather jacket worn by Keith Bennett? The colour white decays of not coated like polystyrene. Yet 101 did not know who Keith Bennett was and directed me to Yorkshire police?

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Pauline Badger BSc(Hons)MSc.Post Grad dip Psych.的更多文章

