Keeping Warm
Time after time after time I hear people in hospital asking for blankets because it’s too cold, and me being in a hospital once know what cheap and poorly made blankets they use in hospitals. The human body recognizes warmth as a therapy when used properly can promote healing. Warmth increases circulation throughout the body transporting much needed nutrient and other biochemical healing and building blocks. Warmth also causes relaxation of muscles thereby freeing-up restriction of circulation and allowing nerve impulses to carry out its response messages to healing.
Warmth, from a psychological point, provides an emotional feeling of being safe, secure and protected. Blankets that cover the lower half of the body, from the belly button on down are the most important part of the body that needs to be covered, since it’s the farthest from the heart. Inner body organs work better when the body is kept warm and it also interferes with the growth of bacteria.
When the body is kept warm by covering it up with a naturally made blanket like wool or cotton, the body will then use and direct its energy to healing instead of trying to keep the body warm. For chronic conditions, a daily one hour warm water bath will do wonders for promoting the healing process; hospital should include this practice with all their treatment. Hot tea or soup broth brings internal warmth to the digestive tract first, and then it spreads to all other parts of the body.