Keeping Sane
Amos Ologunleko
Leadership Advocate ?? TedxSpeaker ?? Coach & Mentor ?? Creative Writer | Author ?? Manager - Project Delivery, NLNG
Our world is full of ups and downs.
Times and Seasons are cyclical. Stocks and oil prices go up and down, yet life continues.
Wars and rumours of war surround us as 'termites surround their prey'.
There is 'time for everything' says the wise man.
Keeping safe is the daily yearning - and aspiration - of every normal homo sapiens. It speaks of our quest to be safe from danger and unwarranted peril “from without”.
On the other hand, keeping sane is to stay safe “from within”. It’s about stopping yourself from thoughts that agitates your mind and upsets you.
To keep sane, you must maintain sane state of mind consistently.
Having peaceful, reasonable and healthy mind amidst chaos require intentional actions.
Hence, this "GOT BORN" series focuses on sanity.
I wish you well my friend…. Stay safe, Stay sane!
N/B - GOT BORN is the acronym for Group Of Ten Block Of Refreshing Nuggets
1. One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition- Alvin Toffler
2. The sanity of society is a balance of a thousand insanity's - Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Sanity’s a virginity of the mind - Steve Aylett
4. Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you - Carl Jung
5. Art is a guarantee of sanity. That is the most important thing I have said - Louise Bourgeois
6. Sanity is all that stands between good and evil - Raymond E. Feist
7. You've got to have a sense of humour to keep your sanity. - Lance Bass
8. The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane - Marcus Aurelius
9. Books saved my sanity; knowledge opened the locked places in me and taught me first how to survive and then how to soar - Gloria E. Anzaldúa
10. I'm learning in my old age that the only thing you can do to keep your sanity is to stay in the moment - Willem Dafoe
Mechanical Engineer | Process Improvement, Maintenance and Operations Management | Data Analyst
1 个月I agree. An unsound mind inhibits good judgement and decisions. Thanks for sharing.
Deal Making & Negotiation | Category Management | Strategic Planning & Execution | Organisational Development
1 个月Staying in the moment and recognising that change is constant is a powerful one that has always worked for me. Indeed another fantastic read.
1 个月very clear sir, sound mind is very crucial, a man without mental balance tends to miss out on the fruitfulness of life.
The inventor of the GIDC model | Marketing and Sales Director of Dawa Najd | Advisory Board Member of IASTEM Academy | Corporate Sustainability Top Voice
1 个月Insightful! Amos Ologunleko